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  • 67 subscribers


I’m new here. I’m 34 and have been diagnosed with Stomach Cancer (Linitis) with Peritoneal and Omental Mets Nov 2022. I have an ileostomy due to bowel obstruction and had 6 cycles of Capox which ended last April. They say that my stomach tumor has thinned out which seems to be a good thing. But I am constantly struggling with the pain and discomfort. 

This month a lesion was seen in my L5 and I underwent radiotherapy for 5 straight days. 
I have been told that my cancer is incurable and my consultant has advised me from the start that I am not eligible for surgery, however, I am due to see Prof Hanna at St. Mary’s with the hope of having the tumor out. Does anyone here have the same type of cancer that I have and have successfully undergone surgery? Anyone have undergone a different type of treatment?  

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read that you are now incurable and at such a young age. Welcome to the group, I'm sorry that you find yourself here but you will find a lot of support from lovely people. I had radiotherapy for 5 days for symptom control for pelvic bone mets. The side effects were interesting to say the least. I've not had the same type of cancer so can't comment but it's good that you've been referred, with the hope of surgery. It may be worth using the search button at the top of the page and you may find some information that way. Best wishes for your appointment.

    A x

  • Thank you for responding to my post. I read your profile, you also have been through so much. I admire your bravery.  I was actually not referred rather I personally asked my consultant to refer me after seeing some posts in the other forum.