Keeping out if hospital

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I was just hospitalised for a week with an infection. Pretty nasty and very low blood count too so had injections to the stomach to stimulate the production.  I haven’t been able to have the immunotherapy while in here and so treatment has stopped. Anyone else been in hospital with infections while having treatment? Did it matter to your treatment?

  • Thank you for replying. It’s really reassuring. I speak to the oncologist today so crossing fingers I can restart soon x

  • Hope you get a positive meeting, I've never meet my oncologist only people who work for him, but he phone's me every 4 month for around 5 minutes.

  • Ulls, I can hardly believe you haven't met your oncologist! I saw mine every month for the first three and a half years. Then every three months after I stopped treatment (due to side effects,) I had scans and saw her two weeks later. Even now almost 7 years after I stopped treatment I see her now once a year and six months later she calls me to ask how I am. I have only seen someone else while she was on holiday!

    Surely that can't be right Ulls! I wonder if it is only you or does anyone else have an oncologist they don't see often!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • It's quite normal for patients not to face to face the oncologist he sees patients who had problems, since I started hormone and RT treatment I've been relatively stable yes there have been slight increase in PSA but I'm not at risk, 

  • Good morning  Ulls and Annette,  I saw my oncologist about 4 times before lock down but since then it's normally a vidio call every 3 months,  or a phone call if I have a problem. If she's on holiday it's Jane her nurse consultant who does the video call. Have a good day xx


  • What I'm wondering is if my oncologist only see patients to give them bad news, why I'm having my first face to face at the end of the month.

    Being human it does concern me.

  • I have seen mine every three months, , though in covid was phone calls, but this year back to normal.

    I did ask at last appointment, do i have to come every 3 months as one of my kids has to take me, and miss work.

    If i get to June next year, will then become 6 months, as have to have had no treatment for a clear two years, though that will change if i  have to go on treatment before the, 

  • 2 year's no treatment is really good Ellie, unfortunately my treatment only stop's when I do, my hoping someone will come up with a cure.

  • Hi Ulls, Maybe your Consultant just wants to meet all his patients now that Covid is in the background! Or thinking positively, as I do, maybe they have another more update drug they he wishes to discuss with you.

    I asked my oncologist when I would be able to stop going to the cancer clinic and move on to 6 monthly or annual phone calls. Her answer was "Ask me again in 2026!" 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  •   I am having a face to face appointment with my consultant today for scan results, so I hope that’s not the case x 


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