Secondary liver cancer unknown primary - incurable

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  • 69 subscribers

Hi. Don't know where to start. Never thought I would be in this forum. I've got secondary liver cancer in multiple areas. The primary is unknown. Got told today they will continue to look for primary but start chemo in few weeks. Chemo is only controlling the cancer, it's not curable as in multiple parts of liver. It's only today I found this out. Knew I had secondary liver cancer for 3 weeks didn't know in multiple areas. So all along I had hope - they can't  operate to remove it.  So got told today as I've got no symptoms & healthy I've got more than a year to live but less than 5. Five only came up because I said have I less than 5 & she said yes. So god knows could be year & 1 month.  I'm posting on here for advice on way forward, any hope at all on how many years (silly question). Don't know really. So far on my journey I've found various forums really supportive. Thank you. Xx

  • It’s almost exactly a year since I had the scan that found (co-incidentally, as it was a scan for something else)) that my cancer had spread to my liver. Lots of faffing ensued. I had an ablation procedure that didn’t work and I only started systemic treatment for it in May. Like you, I was healthy and had no symptoms. Today, I remain healthy with no symptoms. So I reckon you are good for more than that year. Hopefully they will come up with a treatment plan and the years will tick by. 

  • Hi GNG

    Asking for a prognosis is always tricky! This is based on statistical data from previous patients with similar cancers, and has to be collected, evaluated then tinkered with by researchers. This takes about 5 years! So any statistics about your cancer will be 5 years 'out of date'. In that time, different treatments will have been developed. New treatments are being introduced all the time. Your prognosis could easily change! Really, it isn't worth worrying about, as no-one can predict what may happen.

    What is important is that you are fit and healthy (apart from the cancer) so you have a good chance that your body will cope with the chemo treatment without too much trouble. It can be very effective at keeping everything at bay. My best advice is to have trust in your treatment team, ask for support when you need it....and keep posting on here!  

    I hope all goes well


  • Hi GNG Welcome to the Group. I take it you do know, no one knows when anyone is going to die! There are lots of us here who are living proof of that, so if I was you, I would forget about numbers and just live! Maybe soon they will come up with a new drug or even a Trial you can take part in, you just never know what's ahead, so enjoy now!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi  

    Welcome to the group. I didn't think I'd be here either when I was told I had cancer. My profile is there if you would like to read. I am currently stable after treatment and I asked for a time prognosis recently as well, was told 2-3 years but oncologist said I can add these months after treatment to that. I read a book recently by someone with stage 4 cancer and she described herself as gravely ill but weirdly well. I think it's a good description. Best wishes for your treatment.

    A x

  • Thank you so much. Xx

  • That is so true sistermoon. Dear GNG on this site we are all in the same boat, as people have told you. I was told 12 to 18 months 4 years ago Im still here. Immunotherapy, nivolumab is my treatment, I'm having a 3 month break from Treatment at the moment and spending time getting on Mt life. Press my picture and you can read my story.  Do keep posting and be kind to yourself. Take care xx


  • Thank you so much. I'm keeping quiet today trying to come to terms with everything. But you all will hear from me again soon. So glad this group is here. I've read various posts, lots of support & positivity. Xx

  • What is the book called? Is it worth reading?? Sounds interesting!