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I had kidney cancer in 2021 which went to my lungs in 2022.  Try to make the best of each day but sometimes that can be a struggle when feeling sorry for myself.  Most days I try to forget that I am ill and carry on as normal though do get more tired.

I'm very lucky in many ways as I have a caring family and good friends who do support me when I feel a bit down which isn't as often as it was was when first diagnosed. 

Tomorrow I go for the results of my 3 monthly scan and always get very anxious beforehand as I always have to prepare myself for the worst just in case.

Take care everybody and enjoy the sun as it always makes us feel so much better when we see it.

Thanks Betty

  • Thanks Ulls it's always good to chat to other people & get good reports about treatment. I have had the camera in my bladder too when they were trying to find out what was wrong in the first place. As you say unpleasant but needed to be done.

    I will be happier when I have started the radiotherapy as its another unknown. 

    Take care


  • Hi Betty, there are possible side effects but I didn't have any, the RT machine is nothing like an MRI as it's open and airey, not uncomfortable at all, in fact quite a pleasant experience, nothing to worry about.

  • Firstly I'd like to say A WARM WELCOME to everyone who has joined the 'Incouragables' I haven't already welcomed as I wasn't receiving notifications of posts in the New To This Forum.

    Betty, no matter how long we have been here, I think most of us don't like the unfamiliar which is what RT is to you. However as Ulls has said it is not uncomfortable so that's a definite plus. I'm sure once the first one is over you will relax, knowing what's coming. Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks Annette for replying. It's just the unknown that bothers me. Once I have started I shall feel a lot better. My cousin recently had 2 have Radiotherapy so we have had a good chat.

    Take care


  • Hi Betty123, I hope your chat with your cousin eased your mind! Soon it will be you telling someone new that you have had RT and it all went well!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks Annette it always helps to chat to others.

    Heart️ Bettyxx