recently diagnosed

  • 5 replies
  • 67 subscribers

Hi, I was diagnosed with HCC liver cancer last October. I was floored by this as had no idea it was coming, and have been trying to deal with it ever since. Its such a rollercoaster of emotions every day but it is becoming easier. I am married to a wonderful husband, have three kids and am planning, when back on immunotherapy therapy, to start making the most of every day. I got taken off treatment due to life limiting side effect and am hoping that since steroids have reduced them to the point where I can now restart side effects will be handled a lot easier from this point onwards. 

  • Hi and Welcome

    Sorry you have had to come here, but you are very welcome.

    You will get a lot of support, we all help each other, where we can,

    Ask anything and, some one will get back to you.we cry, scream, rant and yes laugh, why wouldn;t we, we re human, and still Dancing,

    Every different cancer here, though some treatments are the same, so some one might have had what you have been on.

    Had to say hi, so you know some one is here, xxx

  • Hi Ellie 73, thanks for the warm welcome. Its nice to find others who are in similar situations

  • You are never alone here, and can say anything to us, even dearest and deares,t at times do not understand how we may be filling.but people here do.

    Others will be along, at some point, always some one about.


  • Hi D Queen at some point, can you fill out your profile , it helps others when and if they read, your situation.

    If you click on mine, then you can find out a few things about me, not all nasty

  • Hello Dancingqueen, a very warm welcome to you. I am glad to hear that you are hoping to re-start your immunotherapy soon.  As Ellie has said, we are a friendly bunch and here for every emotion going. I can really relate to you saying that you wish to start making the most of each day - I am exactly the same.  Although I do have days where I feel that all I’ve done is sleep! Best wishes to you and looking forward to getting to know you xxxx.