Lovely day out

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Had a lovely day out with my granddaughter yday at flam. Feeling the aches today tho of the shows and all the walking. I love these days out but they sad aswell as I don't no how many more times I will get to do things. Its like I look everyday for places to take her but prices are ridiculous plus then they back at school so then I think will I still be ok by summer to do things then I feel sad again. Its a vicious circle .hope everyone is having a lovely Easter x

  • Hello Bev, I am so pleased to hear you had a lovely day out with your granddaughter. I am sure and know she would have loved your time and company. I feel I understand where you are coming from - we know we can do activities one day but our mind wanders into thHuggingfuture and asks ourselves, “well, how many more times can I do this day out/trip/visit with them?” I am still getting my head around this myself - our elderly Mum lives in a fab Care Home but it’s a 120 mile round trip, I have always loved driving and am hoping to be up to visiting her next week but I’ll have to decide on the day. My brother, sister and all my nieces and nephews are travelling tHuggingthe UK in July to visit me and our Mum.  My mind wanders, like you, will I be up to doing anything with them? My kind, understanding and all-round amazing Macmillan nurse of 3.5 years recently told Hugging to keep doing all my activities whilst I still can as when I decline, it could be very rapid. That may sound harsh but if we can, we need to try and live in the moment. I’ve wittered on about myselHuggingas I am aware that I may come across as everything is sunshine and rosy, it’s not and it isn’t for any of us. I am sending you a big hug, I still want to know that you are soon going on a Coach TripHuggingI can be very bossy when I need to be! I pressed the ‘hug’ icon and now it’s all over my post - haha! Big hugs and keep going, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

  • Oh thankyou Ruby  . It's awful how your mind plays tricks with you isn't it.  Like you say we have to live for the day . I'm hoping to make lots more memories with her  . Every time we have a day out or weekend away I get her a book made from freeprints with all our pics in. I always title it memories you can keep forever.  I've had her 3 made up to now. 

  • So glad you had a good time with your granddaughter Bev, making the books is a wonderful idea.

    I've been thinking the same thing this week.

    Due to a new med, i have a bit more energy and have been able to do a few more cosmetic jobs to Mr T { my ford transit stealth camper }.

    Each time i finish, i sit on the bench seat and wounder how many times am i going to be able to go away in it, enjoy days out in it  etc, It's so hard not to wonder.

    It's so hard not to think about it.

    Then my stubborness and determintion sets in and i kick myself up the nappy and plough on.

    Cat x

  • The books are a brilliant way to keep the memories. She will have them all.her life and be able to show her kids .she's only 11. Breaks my heart I won't see her grow up she my only grandchild x

  • I was laid in bed last night wondering if i would ever get to see any granddchilren, my son is 27, he's been with his girlfriend a long time. There's no sign of wedding bells and i'm glad he's nut 'rushing into things.

    But then in some ways i hope i don't get any, because i wouldn't get to see them grow up.

    Gonna bugger off now or i'll start blubbering, & don't want to make every depressed !

    Cat x

  • Aww cat I hope your feeling better this morning . It's awful way our minds think . U got any plans today I'm going the bingo x

  • What a lovely idea Bev, I’m sure your granddaughter will treasure her books all her life x

  • Morning Bev

    I'm good today thank you, going for my usual coffee in a litlle while, then not sure after that !

    Hope you and evveryone else has a great day.

    Cat x