Newbie - secondary metastatic breast cancer. Just saying hello

  • 41 replies
  • 72 subscribers

Just been diagnosed with secondary metastatic breast cancer in the lymph nodes in neck. Been told it’s advanced, treatable but not curable. Had DCIS breast cancer in 2017 so this new diagnosis is a complete blow. Hoping to connect with others for support and the share experiences.

Gutted we’re all here but love the positivity as this is how I am facing my diagnosis. 

Send so much love xx

  • Hi Seethesunrise

    i like your username! 
    I too have been diagnosed with Secondary Breast Cancer. My nets are in lungs and bones. I too was devastated by the news and though I thought I might get breast cancer again, I didn’t know that I was 30% more likely to develop secondary. I didn’t know what to look out for so didn’t think to go to the doctor with a cough and wheeze  as I thought it was a post covid thing. I was diagnosed in October 2022 which seems like years ago! I have been told that my cancer is treatable but not curable and have been on a regime of anastrozole, Palbociclib and denosumab injections. 
    This forum has helped me to understand what I’m going through, what the future might hold and how to cope. 
    While I do agree that having a positive outlook helps I do think that it’s normal to have feelings of anger, sadness, bitterness and hopelessness, it’s a process of coming to terms with your future, what it holds and what you and others may miss out on. In my experience though it also helps you to realise what you have got, the gift of family and friends and a new appreciation of the world around you. It’s a cliche but you do appreciate the little things. Keep in touch, let us know how you’re doing.

    Big hugs

    Jac x

  • Hi Jac

    thank you. Believe you me I have my fair share of down days too. Lovely to be part of a forum where we can express the good, the bad and the ugly!

    Thanks for the message and sorry to hear if all you are going through. 

    Take care xx

  • Hi  

    Welcome to the group. There are good people here and we like a laugh. Sorry to hear of your recurrence. I am currently stable after treatment (hope so anyway, awaiting CT results). My cancer is endometrial, my profile is on if you want to read it, just click on my username. You'll find lots of support here, take care,

    A x

  • FormerMember

    Hi seethesunrise ive got secondary breast cancer on chest wall and lyphnodes small dots in spine. I was first diagnosed primary 2008 then secondary 2020 I think it was always there never went away. I live my life as normal as I can and love hearing positive stories. 

  • Hi Seethesunrise, I had breast cancer in 2020 and late last year had the diagnosis too of mets in lungs, bones and also liver… I’m really trying to take everything day by day but it’s a lot isn’t it? 
    Hope we can stay in touch and support each other xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lo2022

    Im glad I'm finding people on this forum. I was going to ask what meds people were on. Its good to speak with people in the same boat xx

  • It really is. I haven’t found many people on here with similar to me to be honest .
    Meds wise I’m on anastrozole, zoladex, denosomab, ribociclib  and have pain killers on hand too if and when I need them. How about you ? xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lo2022

    I've just changed my treatment was on abemacilib and fulvestrant for 3 years but had slight progression so changed to Aromisin and exmestane. Similar to what I was on. Hope it does the same as the other xx

  • Hi Lo2 and Evette

    i have similar diagnosis to you but with the liver mets. I’m on Palbociclib, anastrozole and denosumab injections. I was diagnosed in October 2022. I’d really like to connect with others on here with similar. How are you both coping? 
    Jac x

  • I meant without the liver mets!