New here....Incurable metastatic sarcoma in lymph nodes

  • 11 replies
  • 69 subscribers

New to the forums, not used to this sort of thing, never been in touch with anyone else apart from family members and patients in my ward in hospital. Diagnosed middle of last year, trying to stay positive and keep active. Good luck everyone, best wishes to you all. R.  

  • Hi Ramsbottom, sorry to see you on this site but welcome anyway, I've just read your profile, some what different to mine.

    I'm also incurable but treatable, and a Christian, although I'm a member of a multi faith group as well.

    We are a good group, and I'm sure some with similar problems will offer help, We also have a general chat group called good morning. 

    1. All the best Ulls 
  • This is all fairly new to me too. I wish you all the best. Staying positive is the best mental attitude, I believe. Today I was fitted with a mask before starting radiotherapy next week. It should help, hopefully a lot. Best wishes. 

  • Hi Ramsbottom - it makes me laugh that you wrote "in Spring 2023" on Feb 28th on your profile summary :-) Nice to meet you. 

  • Hi R. Welcome to the group. We are very supportive and kind group of incurable, you'll find you can get advice friendship and a laugh. Have a rant to people who no what you are going through. I've read your profile and am pleased your being positive but we still get down days . Take care xx


  • March 1st tomorrow - officially Sping I think! Well it feels like it anyway, best wishes R 

  • Hi Ramsbottom,

    so sorry that you have found yourself in this position, but glad you have found us! You will get a lot of support. Sounds like you are doing your best to stay as healthy as possible and to have a positive outlook. But remember to be kind to yourself too and allow yourself to feel down sometimes, it’s natural. Being incurable makes you think differently about your future and what it holds. You will probably have a lot of thoughts, questions and a range of emotions as you come to terms with your diagnosis. I read your profile and see that  your faith is obviously very important to you and I know that it helps a lot of people. You will also have the faith community around you which must be a great comfort to you. Keep in touch with the community here, it has definitely helped me and lots of others. You can say things heee that you can’t say elsewhere. It’s good to have a rant sometimes! 
    Love and hugs to you

    Jac x

  • Hi  , welcome to the group although I'd rather have met you elsewhere. You will find many characters here and apart from an incurable cancer, what they have in common is an undeniable strong sense of support for each other. 

    I was diagnosed with an incurable bone marrow cancer in March 2015 and I'm still around. I have treatment every week and it would be true to say that I wouldn't be here without said treatment. 

    There are others here who have had a prognosis of a few months yet they're still here years later. We say that they are still living past their sell by date! I like the fact that you are still positive and you have your faith. That helps. I had to stop working because of a back condition that developed just 4 months after my cancer diagnosis. I was diagnosed with severe spinal stenosis and I'm now a wheelchair user. The indiscriminate nature of cancer doesn't stop other problems developing. I also have another rare disease to keep my rare cancer company called haemochromatosis. I've described it in my profile, my cancer means it's difficult to treat the haemochromatosis properly. 

    I'm in Northern Ireland and I think it I'm the only one here in the group from there. Hope to chat with you in the days and weeks to come, Ramsbottom. Take care my friend. 


    Love life and family.
  • Hello Ramsbottom.

    Like you for a while I didn't have contact with other people with cancer diagnosis, it has really made a difference to me finding this forum and the great bunch of people on it. So welcome and join in. It's not all about cancer although we all have a rant and a cry at times, we are also a positive bunch of people who also have a laugh. The support and understanding you will get is brilliant because everyone  understand what's on your mind. Wishing you good luck and send thoughts and prayers.


  • Hi  

    Welcome to the group. I've read your profile, I was diagnosed in January last year too. The year that just kept giving, bad news mostly. I am currently well after chemo, who knows for how long. We are a good bunch of incurables and support each other, we like a touch of black humour to keep us going. Hope you've found your tribe,

    A x

  • Hello ramsbottom. I have incurable stage 4 kidney cancer which has spread to both lungs. I am also a Christian. People on here are very supportive. Welcome to the group