Hi im new to the group. I'm just trying to find my way in the chats

  • 27 replies
  • 70 subscribers

Hi. I dont no if this is the right group to be honest I don't really no how to post and things .I'm hoping I've done this right so I can chat to people in the same situation as me 

  • Hiya Bev.

    I hope you are doing well now you have connected with others in the same situation. I was just reading one of your earlier posts in which you said you worked up to your diagnosis. Have you taken sick leave from work or have you given up your job. I only ask because I worked until I was diagnosed then I took sick leave to have my chemotherapy treatment. When I had completed that part of my treatment plan I returned to work. That had it's problems because my manager didn't have a clue how to deal with my situation and made it clear he didn't want me in the team. I was moved to a new team and this was the best thing that could have happened for me. My return to work was well managed my current my manager is very supportive of my situation and has helped me fit into my new team. I only say this because reading your post I was wondering if returning to work might be good for you and bring a bit of normality and structure to life for you, it might help with anxiety and distract you for a short time, and keep you active and engaged. I was a bit sceptical about returning to work, in my case it has been a good move so I thought it might help you if you felt up to it to do a similar thing. There are laws now that protect people in our situation and we don't have to give up our jobs if we don't want to.

    Just a suggestion I thought might help have a great day, hugs 


  • Sorry I missed your reply Bev. How you doing, hope you're ok. I've been doing housework then baking. Think I got a bit carried away as I'm tired now. I've made a chocolate and banana cake, a chicken pie to bake for tomorrow's tea, a cheese and tomato quiche and because I had pastry to use up, little open top sweet mince tarts. Think I need a lie down,

    A x

  • Hiya. I was wanting to return but I work in a care home. I dont think I dare take the risk of infections. Like flu,covid, I've had my jabs for them both but then there's all the other infections that go along with working in a care home .with basically having no immune system now I dont no if it will be wise goin back if  u get me xx

  • Wow Bev going back to work is like walking through a mine field blind fold 

  • Hi Bev2022 after I had my results went on sick and just like you the job I was doing was going to put myself at more risk so I've decided  to stay home and give up work for good I think when you are just trying to get your head around what's going off with your self and your diagnosis you need to take time out and put yourself first like I got told on here which for me was so right .at moment still on ssp from work and that will last up too April  .but my way might not be yours I am enjoying spending time with family and grandkids making memories things when I was well I didn't relize how much I missed .do what's right for you You will know xxxxxxxxxx

  • I'm not going back to work. To risky. My ssp runs out this month but there's another benefit you can claim so works out about the same. I'm taking myself to a spa break in March then got Harry Potter weekend with my granddaughter. Even though I've never seen any of the films so that should be fun xx

  • Welcome. We have a good group here. I’m like you too. My work is now finished,and am on SSP  too. Being home and positive is now so important. It helps me for sure,and sounds like you too. Enjoy your times. Xx