Hi im new to the group. I'm just trying to find my way in the chats

  • 27 replies
  • 71 subscribers

Hi. I dont no if this is the right group to be honest I don't really no how to post and things .I'm hoping I've done this right so I can chat to people in the same situation as me 

  • I waited 8 long moths from unexpectedly taking poorly to my diagnosis of incurable liver cancer . My head is goin to explode soon as I don't no what I'm thinking anymore. I live alone and they 2 good friends I have just keep saying your doing so well look at you. Yes I may look fine but they can't see what's in my head . I feel so lonely im 99 % of the time I'm sat alone with my own thought . I would love to chat to others on here thankyou for reading x

  • Hi you have done it right so don't fret you will get loads of support in this group I know exactly how you feel as I live alone as well and have only one best friend as all my other friends turned there back on me as soon as they knew what I was diagnosed with so being in this group for me has been a life saver when you live on your own I totally get it that you over think all of the time take one day at a time it really helps we are all here for you whenever you need us so please post huge hugs xxx

  • Hi Welcome

    Please do not fill alone always some one here to chat to or some one will come back to you, if you ask a question.

    I would not have got to where i am if i had not used this site, and what ever thread you may wish to comment on.

    I live on my own now, lost my hubby 3 years ago and this site kept me going and the people here, great bunch that understand, every emotion you may be feeling and we all have them.

    You can scream rant moan laugh cry what ever the day may bring, i did them all.

    Others will come a long to welcome you, though i wish you had not had to find us.


  • Hi Bev sorry you've had to join the group nobody wants to be in. We are caring,  supportive people, sone have a wicked sense of humour, yes we laught.  Its a very hard thing to except our emotions are all over the place .A lot of people don't know how to talk to people like us. Alot of us have issues with being told how well we look when we are screaming underneath I don't feel the way I look. Keep posting on here, rant, rave somebody will respond. Do phone Macmilan help line they are very good helpers support and practical. Ask your gp about counselling it does help alot of people on here have it. Keep posting. Sending hugs xx


  • Hello Bev,

    I'm glad you have found your way here. Now you're not alone. Welcome to the boat we're all in, on the voyage we'd rather not be taking, but nevertheless it's all aboard the good ship Bloody Minded.

    You'll find advice, support and humour here - some of it quite quirky and often a bit dark, but we all need some of that sometimes. Just keep posting and finding your feet. You are in shock, but you will slowly adjust to the new reality. Say pretty much what you want on here and if you really feel like letting rip, you can rant in the thread called The Room. Sending you a big hug and love from Rainie x

  • Hi Bev

    I to live alone and was told last Sept they can't get rid of my cancer, which can normally be treated with an operation etc. But due to a previous health problem i can't have the op and have only been able to have two weeks of Radiotherapy, which i have just finished. So at times i feel short changed !

    But i find if i can keep occupied and keep my mind off it it's ok, coming on here really helps, as others have said, you can have a good rant, cry or just chat, what ever you feel the need to do, someone will be here.

    Good luck x


  • Yes,as said Catmarel ,keep getting in here and tell us ,say what you want to. I’ve been here just a few days. I’m not a real  conversationist,but the comments back when I make them are really helping right now. I am sure it will be the same for yourself. Take care x

  • Hi Bev,

    Welcome to the group. It must have been a shock being diagnosed after being unwell for so long. Moi2's suggestion of counselling is good, it might help you feel better to offload. Not sure how your general health is at the moment but if you can get out for a walk it's a good way of clearing your head. It works for me anyway. I'm sure you'll get lots of support here, we're a good group. Best wishes to you,

    A x

  • Hiya Bev2022.

    Just saying hello, there's no need to be lonely now, we are all here and we are a great bunch of people. There is always someone who will chat and it doesn't have to be about your cancer. We all know how it feels. 

    For now I'm sending you a hug and chat away if it helps 
