Upset stomach immunotherapy

  • 2 replies
  • 21 subscribers

Has anyone had issues with stomach pain, diarrhea after in relation to immunotherapy? If yes, how was it treated and was it successful?

  • Hi,

    I'm not exactly on immunotherapy but take a Parp inhibitor to try and stop the cancer growing. I had nausea and other issues to start with but was given a help line number to phone. Weirdly they suggested moving the time of day I took the Parp tablets and provided anti sickness tablets that worked alongside the Parps. I am now coping (although my biggest issues insomnia ,anemia and lack of energy remain) I was monitored weekly to start and now monthly but can call the help line any time night or day.  The fact is these treatments are nasty chemicals that our bodies have to cope with and there seems unfortunately to always be a price to pay. The Parp is giving me extra time with good and not so good days so long may it last.  It will I have been told stop working at some point.

    I would go back to your medical team, it may just be initial teething problems.  I hope so.

    Hope things improve for you tomorrow often is a different day on this dammed roller coaster we all would like to get off.

    Thinking of you.


  • Thanks for your input Xena! I will phone my oncologist in the morning to discuss any necessary action. Will happily grin and bear it if the therapy helps.

    Sounds like you have had a long and rough ride. Hope the Parps work for you long-term. Although they always seem to come up with an alternative if something fails.

    All the best

    Patrick xx