Radiotherapy after pain

  • 6 replies
  • 21 subscribers


I posted a couple of weeks ago about having target Radiotherapy for metastases in my lower back and buttock area. Cancer had got into my left iliac bone.  I had the treatment 3 days ago and had been warned the pain would likely get worse before it got better. The first day after it was nausea with the feelings I used to get after Chemo, you know when nothing tastes right and you are hungry but just can't eat. That seems to be clearing up but I have pain in just one area of my  lower back right across. Pain down my leg and buttock has mostly gone. I am continuing with slow release morphine twice  a day and paracetamol with Oromorph as and when but it is never really much better. Just wondering if anyone has had this that can tell me roughly how long it will be before it eases, I was told it could be a couple of weeks but some lucky people had instant relief. I'm guessing it is the Radiotherapy breaking down the cancer cells that causes the pain and I'd like to be reassured it will workShrug eventually.. I feel like a bit of a wimp but oh well Shrug

  • I can't help with your primary question, but I am urged to respond and say you must NOT refer to yourself as a w**p. Remember that everyone responds differently to treatment and no one size fits all.  So there's no consistency in pain either.  

  • Hi

    Yes, sorry you are right. I suppose I am just thinking I should be happy just to still be here and not worrying about the pain.


  • Hi JKG, I am sorry, like Mmum, I.have no knowledge of RT as it doesn’t work for my cancer, nor does chemo. However what I can relate to is pain and if you are living with it you certainly are not a w*** but a strong lady. Living with pain is not easy and I do hope the RT will eventually work for you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi. I have had RT for pain and after an initial flare-up I would say it was about a week before I felt the full benefit. However, because my was targeted on my C7 vertebrae I did have a very sore throat for about two weeks which didn’t come on until a while later but I was fully recovered from RT and its side effects in about 3 weeks.

  • Hi

    Thank you that is very helpful.  I am 6 days in and think I have some improvement today so fingers crossed the worst is over.



  • Wow, how encouraging!