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Got some really good news from my oncologist today. I had a scan a couple of weeks ago, 3 months after my liver ablation procedure. The scan found no signs of cancer. In some ways I am finding it hard to believe this as I have been through a couple of years of treatment and side effect hell to get to this point, including a previous failed ablation, and a serious immunotherapy related adverse event that damaged my kidneys, thyroid and lungs, which I am still not fully recovered from. There have been significant impacts to my energy levels and general mobility too. There’s obviously no knowing how long this will last but it’s time to try to work on my fitness and general capacity. I have also been cleared to come off the steroids I have been weaning down since the IRAE last September. 

Currently on holiday in Sicily, will post a longer update on my blog when I get a chance. 

  • To be truthful I was a bit scared of having to make that choice, now I don’t have to.  Know it narrows my options but feeling hopeful the Gemcarbo working wonders!   If not taxanes next option which I’m also a bit scared of.  In fact I’m just scared in general truth be told.  

  • I have had Paclitaxel and NAB-Paclitaxel. The latter was easier, largely because it didn’t need a wrap of steroid and antihistamine. I got some peripheral neuropathy but you will be familiar with that risk from carboplatin. It’s quite normal to be scared. Each step is a bit easier once you are in it. I find it hard to believe I have been navigating this landscape for almost two and a half years now. I thought it would be over in weeks right at the beginning. 

  • Do you know I knew peripheral neuropathy was a possibility but unless things happen I live in a little world of denial.  Oncologist asked me about it yesterday and told me symptoms, oh yes it’s happened very gradually.  Did you ice pack?   Also went to do online banking this morning and fingerprint recognition didn’t work, my fingertips look like I’ve stayed in the bath too long.  Worked eventually, just as well as wit’s chemo brain would have no idea of passwords!  

    I get steroids with anti nausea then chemo.  Even with Portacath took 3 hours yesterday.  I had an additional antibiotic as a bladder infection started day before.  I’m coping okay as now know what to expect.  These forums are fabulous.  Everyone is so supportive, especially yourself x

    Decided this morning that whilst I’m well going to push to do nice stuff.  Booked a wee break away down the coast on my week off.  Planning to go back to Scotland in September for a few days.   

    It’s been a long old road, October ‘22 when the first wee lump found!   I thought January this year I could forget all about it but obviously the Big Man had other ideas.

  • I tried using ice packs for both hands and feet when I had Paclitaxel. It just ended up being impractical. As you know, you are in the unit for a long time and with packs on your hands, you can’t do anything else. With packs on your feet, you can’t easily go to the loo. So I gave up. The neuropathy in my hands resolved well but I still have some odd sensations in toes. Toe nails also suffered, which doesn’t help. 

    Enjoy your week away. 

  • Oh that made me giggle…in Spain they give you 4 of those blocks that your put in your ice box to keep your picnic cool, no fancy smancy stuff here…wine coolers with Velcro might work…I’ll have a few from my drinking days.  

    I did enjoy having hands free yesterday.  Meant I could scoff my Werthers Originals without hubby having to unwrap and share them.

  • Hi Ochno, Sorry to hear you can't have Immunotherapy but all you need is one thing to work, let's hope that's Gemcarbo. Lots of these drugs cause anemia and/or liver problems but if liver improves on your week off, that sounds promising!

    What coast are you heading for and which part of Scotland in September? Maybe we will have an Indian summer by then here!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Codfish, The Periferal Neuropathy is difficult to deal with. I have it due to nerve damage. I have just bought an Apple Pencil for my iPad because when I click on a letter, sometimes I have to do it several times before it works! I use voice recognition sometimes too but only if I am alone. I collect the pen later so looking forward to trying it out! Ice doesn't work for me either!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I’m hoping Gemcarbo is the one, wee numb fingers crossed!  So far still kept hair which is a bonus. 

    We’re planning Glasgow first then thinking head up to Balquhidder then Loch Lomond in September.  Hoping midges will be gone  by then.

    We’re east coast in Spain, a bit inland and are heading to Torremolinos in a couple of week.A lovely apartment set into cliff just above sea with lift down.  Dog friendly so dogs can enjoy some coastal walks.  

    A iPad pen sounds a great idea, voice recognition?  I think my strong Scottish accent might be problematic….as long as I don’t have to say 11 might be okay?   It’s funny now hubby retired and I spend much more time with him, my Scottish accent so much stronger….he’s a weegie and I’m a Perthshire girl.

  • Hi Ochno, Firstly your trip sounds lovely and I like the idea of an apartment set into the cliff with a lift to take you down! The tour of Scotland sounds good too but whether or not you get midges depends on the weather. I find the only thing that works is Avons Dry oil spray Skin So Soft, you put it on after a shower and it works better for me than all the expensive repellants you can buy!

    Regarding your Scottish accent and voice recognition, I am also Scottish and know what you mean! There were a few words I had to repeat a couple of times before it picked me up but it is fine now! So if you are from Perthshire, I know what your accent will be but what is a 'weegie'?? Do you mean Glaswegian, if not where does he come from as I have never heard this expression before?

    My husband and I were both born in Glasgow but his accent is a stronger one than mine. When we go abroad and he asks for something in a shop or cafe, they look at me with a blank face and I usually have to repeat it!

    Have a terrific holiday and hopefully we will get an Indian Summer because up until now, we haven't had much of a summer!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hola!  He is indeed a weegie from Glasgow.  I don’t know if that’s an Edinburgh term for Glaswegians??   I get the having to repeat stuff, he’s definitely broader than me.  I just have to listen to him on the phone to his dad, the weeginess definitely comes out then.  

    I can’t wait to have a proper Glasgow curry and a glass of Irn Bru!