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A few weeks ago I started getting pain in my left humerus and rib area, then the pain around the base of my spine returned,  i know i have a tumour at the base of my spine but not anything about my left humerus or ribs and they wont do any investigations at this stage, theyll just preaume the cancer as progressed,  I ended up having my Zomorph upped from 20mg twice a day to 30mg twice a day then 3 weeks later the pain in my right humerus and shoulder ,where I know for definite there's tumours, started hurting again , to the point I was topping up on oramorph quite regularly,  the GP rang last night to tell me I'm unfortunately only going to get worse at this point and they want to keep one step ahead at all times with the pain, so now I'm on 40mg of Zomorph twice a day along side of 6mg diazepan, they want me to keep a chart of how many top ups a day that I need for the oramorph so they can work out how much to increase the Zomorph should it need increasing again .

I was a bit shocked by her words of it was only going to get worse from this stage  on , but until I d taken the 40mg of Zomorph twice a day that I'd realised how poorly with pain I'd actually been in because today I've felt great,  not groggy,  not grumpy and more alive than I've felt in months,  I can only.hope it stays this way for a while before needing an increase. 

Now if anyone as any ideas to relieve constipation caused by the morphine,  I'd be very grateful , I currently take stool softners senna and laxido,  but still either struggle to go or it comes out in very huge hard lumps 

  • Hi Nala66, a week ago gone friday, I haden been for 5 days, the chemo unit got an ambulance to go to A/E, as I had stopped passing wind downover, it was comming out of my mouth, in A/E I was given a small enama, little effect so the gave me the largest on they have 130ml, I held onto the enama for 25 minutes before going to the toilet, boy did it work 4 time in one hour what a relife. Back to normal now but more steriods and chemo next friday.

  • Hi Nala66, I've just finished a short course of radiotherapy to help manage the pain of secondary bone cancer in my neck. It has certainly allowed me to cut down on the Orimorph. My local hospice also recommended trying a heated cape-like thing, which does help but has no lasting effect once I take it off.

    On the constipation question I've put more fibre and fruit into my diet.


  • I've tried more fruit and fibre , but can't eat much on the wise due to having IBS and can't eat much on the fruit wise due to being diabetic, I love fruit and do eat far to much of it but all it does is increase my sugars which isnt good .

    They won't give me anything like chemo or radiotherapy,  they've already told me.my body is too ill for any of that,  we are literally waiting for me to die, the hospice and others that are involved have already told me and have said they are really surprised that I am still here , they've told me in the nicest way obviously but have explained that because the pain is now getting worse it does unfortunately mean that things are starting to decline, there isn't much I can do for myself but I'm ready,  ready to met my maker or Satan,  it depends who made me I guess 

  • That sounds horrid Flushed.

    I couldn't go for 6 days once and ended up having to ger my wife to hmmmm put gloves on and go hunting for the solid form and dig it out a long with a mix of soap and water sprayed directly inside my butt hole , including baby oil and a suppository,  it thankfully after many hours worked , sorry for the to much information , I now try to keep on top of it, and only let it go 3 days before I try drinking a milk shake, I'm lactose intolerant if that doesn't work then comes out the senna and laxido 

  • Hi there

     I have secondary bone metastatic cancer and I’d ask for a scan to determine what’s happening with your leg etc. I’m pleased to hear the pain is being better managed. For your constipation I eat stoned prunes and drink at least  8 glasses of water a day to help with this. It takes time to start to work but it helps me a lot.

    take care xx

  • Hi there

    ive just read your last message, I’m so sorry to hear this, so forget about the scan and diet, eat whatever you fancy and keep the pain relief under control ..I hope that you receive lots of love and support at the hospice

    god speed xx

  • Thank you Blush

    keeping on top of the pain relief is all I can so at this stage , I've gotten to the stage where I don't even bother mentioning the pain anymore because there isn't anything they can do, they'll only have concerns if the top up pain relief isn't working then they'll just up one of my other pain relief. 

    I do TRY to watch what I eat due to my diabetes but lately I've just been so tired of watching what I eat so I eat what I want anyway and screw the diabetes  xx

  • Yes just try to relax and rest and stay out of the pain and blessings to you and yours xx