NHS Beds

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I am due to have a microwave ablation procedure tomorrow. The aim is to remove the residue of 2 secondary tumours in my liver, shrunken by immunotherapy. I am not able to have any more immunotherapy due to an adverse event last September that had major consequences, some of which I am still living with. This will be the second attempt to ‘clear’ me via microwave ablation, the first one (in Dec 22) didn’t buy me any time to speak of. The hope this time is that my cancer is not as active, as the half life of my last Pembrolizumab is enabling my immune system to hold it in check, even if it can no longer shrink it. 

The protocol is to admit you the night before if possible so you are guaranteed a bed. That’s how it worked last time. This is because you do need to stay 1 night post procedure, even though the procedure itself is performed in the radiology day case unit. You have to lie still for 6 hours afterwards and be monitored through the first 24 hours or so. 

Unfortunately I got a call today saying there are no beds. I have to present myself at 8am in the day case unit, nil by mouth, and then wait to see if they can confirm there will be a bed for me. Hanging around is likely to ensue, still nil by mouth, with the possibility I might get sent home untreated. So frustrating. 

The interventional radiologist does 2 of these procedures every Tuesday morning. Bed shortages are apparently an increasing problem. Fingers are crossed.