Poor circulation

  • 7 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Has anyone used revitive to help with blood circulation in legs. Was thinking of getting one. But are a bit pricey. I have swollen feet and knees after chemo



  • Hi sorry i cannot answer your question, though some one else might.

    Have you spoke to your GP or Oncologist, may be they can give you something,, or advise, my feet swell when i have sat to much.

    Though , hope others come in,

  • I'm with Ellie, never used on but would take advice before spending on this device 

  • Hi Mark, My husband has circulation issues and the doc prescribed compression socks. Don't know if he'll stick with those as they're agony to put on and drove me mad when I was fitted with them post-surgery. Also, as the fluid gathers in your legs by gravity, always sit with your legs up on a pouffe or similar. Some people put a pillow under their lower legs at night to raise them up higher and that can help a bit, but maybe the problem will ease when the chemo finishes? Best ask before forking out on gadgets I'd say.

  • Good advice Rainie, I have Lymphodema in one leg and the clinic measured and supplied support leggings, different from stockings but just as difficult to put on, wear and take off.

    In Lidl they sell Basewear leggings for skiing and when I bought them they were £7.99. (Now £9.99)  My sister had bought them for Actual Skiing and recommended them to me. I find my legs don't get quite as tired when I wear them. I still can't keep them on all day because of scars on my leg. However the hospital ones, I didn't make it to 40 minutes and I had to take them off!

    I don't know how much Revitive costs but for under £10 these do fine. I did ask the Lymphodema Nurse before I wore them and she said anything that helps is fine! My older sister now wears them as she has bad circulation and she finds them great! Worth a try but ask your GP or Team before trying anything!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • That's good to know about the leggings Annette. Will get my daughter to have a look for me. Do they do them for men too? Thanks. Rainie x

  • Yes Rainie, they do Ladies Small - X-LARGE and the same for men!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Mark,

    I had the same problem as you, both legs and feet swelled up quite badly and I couldn't wear any shoes,  I saw my GP, they fitted me with open toed compression stockings, only wore them during the day, but they really worked, my legs and feet were back to normal very quickly.

    They are a pig to get on but having the open toe helped.  Mind you, I couldn't have got them on without help.

    Kind regards, Cindy xx