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Just spent week as inpatient. Phoned emergency care on November 1st to tell them that following an unreported fall how much pain I was in. They asked mento go to hospital for 9.30 on 2nd. When I arrived they took bloods and arranged for a scan of my head plus an X-ray of chest and back.

head scan came back clear and chest X-ray showed a fracture to a bone in chest that would heal itself but take time. The Doctor then told me that the images from my scan the previous week were ready but not the full report. As the a radiologist had noticed something on the spine he had started the full report. They needed to do an MRI so they wanted me to stay in and have it done the following day! In the meantime I was asked to lay flat on my back and to stay in bed not put any weight on my back legs as on the scan they had seen a vertebra squashed on the spine and they did not want this impacted by any movement. We go the results on Monday it had not impacted so I could now sit up and get up. I was told the cancer had spread to my bones. Radiotherapy was discussed as a treatment option but as the new medication of combination of morphine tablets paracetamol and oral morphine was working well and I had no pain to leave radiotherapy for the time being.  I was pleased to learn that I would stay under the care of my primary oncologists and I have an appointment to see them on 29th November.

are there any stomach cancer patients on here who have secondary bone cancer who can enlighten me as the next course of action from the team, timings etc. 

  • What a horrid time you've been having. I am sorry I cant help with your questions, but best wishes for your future treatment x


  • FormerMember


    Sorry to read of all that's been going on for you. Pleased to hear the pain relief is working. I haven't got stomach cancer (tempting fate as I wrote that line) but I had bone mets and radiotherapy was the treatment for symptom control. 5 sessions done in a week. Hope your appointment reveals the next steps for you.

    A x