• 6 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

A continuation of my WHAT NEXT POST!

I am so happy to say Vince got home yesterday about 16.30! Only because I agreed to do the rest of his injections to stop blood clots, as he's not keen on needles and when the doctor asked if he was ok to do the injections himself at home, he said "Oh no I couldn't " They said unless he had someone who could do them, he would need to stay in hospital over the weekend, so they could arrange for the District Nurse to call every day. Then he said I had given them to myself and he was sure I'd be alright with doing his!

He is a bit fragile, as you can imagine but he's HOME sleeping like a baby in his own bed! Fantastic!

'All' we need now are his biopsy results! Please keep praying or crossing your fingers for us please!!

  • Annette it must be lovely to have Vince home! Even if you do have to do the injections for him! I hope you find that ok doing that. 

    There is definitely no better feeling than being in your own bed. I am sure Vince will now begin to get stronger, with your love and care, and being back home he will soon regain his strength. 

    I will be praying for you both, and I hope you don’t have to wait too long for the biopsy results. 



    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • So pleased that Vince is home he will feel much better in his own surroundings and you by his side fingers crossed for the biopsy results sending you both huge hugs xxx

  • Hi Annette, 

    What wonderful news to hear that Vince is back home with you. I am so happy for you. 

    I'm not sure if you have received my emails, so I wanted to comment on here.

    I'll continue praying for a good recovery for Vince and also positive news about the biopsy, hope you're not waiting too long.

    Sending love and hugs as always.

    Helen HeartHugging 

  • Annette, i am glad he's home. Nothing better for healing. And you can spoil him a bit. Sure, fingers are crossed for good results!!!!

  • Hi  

    Pleased to hear you have Vince home. Nothing better than your own bed. Hoping for good news for you both.

    A x

  • So pleased to hear that your Vince is home with you. Everything crossed that good news is just around the corner in the form of his biopsy results. X