RIG Tube

  • 6 replies
  • 21 subscribers

Morning all

I had my RIG fitted yesterday, feeling really sore, but getting used to it.

So nice not having my NG anymore, i have my face back !!

Being discharchard soon so off home, looking forward to snuggling up in my own bed.

Have a great day all 

Cat x 

  • I am glad, that it has been done, and you sound pleased, it now has,

    Nothing like your own bed, xxxx

  • You take care Cat. I’ll be honest with you, I am not familiar with these procedures - only explain if you wish to Hugging. Have a good rest this weekend, very best wishes to you and a hug from me Huggingxxxxxx.

  • I am Ellie, glad it's done and out of the way. 

    Thank you   , I had a Nasogastric tube for 4mths, these are temporary feeding tubes that go up the nose into the stomach. A RIG { or PEG, both the same but put in diferently } is a more 'permanant' one that goes directly into the stomach.

    Cat x

  • Aw, thank you for explaining this to me Cat. My partner’s late Mum had a PEG after she had a stroke and couldn’t swallow. You take care, rest up and ‘speak’ soon Heart️.xxxxxxxx

  • Oh Cat, I had a feeding tube after my surgery and was sent home with it. I absolutely hated that thing and if I'd known how easy it was to pull out I'd have done it earlier - my surgeon finally whipped it out in a second. After I got shot of it, I started to make progress. I hate to think was was in the muck they pumped into me. I read the ingredients of one pack and it made me shudder. I absolutely dread having to have this again.

    Are you reliant on this feeding tube or are you able to eat at least some food normally? I feel for you.

    Rainie x

  • Unfortunately Rainie, i am reliant on it. I'm on a liquied diet and not able to eat normal solid food/ meals.

    I had my NG for four months nefore having my rig fitted. It's kept me alive, so i am thankfull for that.

    I haven't look at the ingredience, and not going to look !!

    Even though the RIG has been causing me some problems since having it, it is so, so much better than the NG.

    Cat x