They want to see me face to face. Should I be worried?

  • 20 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Usually I get text reminders  for a phone appointment with my Oncologist  (pac)

But have just had a text to say I have to go in to 'meet with the team' for a face to face appointment. 

I'm due the latest scan results. Eek. It's bad news isn't it?  I think they'll tell me theres progression and that they're no longer going to treat me.

What is your experience with this kind of thing? (don't sugar coat it)

  • I know that, only joking.... 

  • Face-to-face is just nicer, as simple as that.  Plus in person is the only way to show the scan, point out things etc.  I'm shocked reading this thread that you all have phone appts - how impersonal!  Every 3 months I joyously go in!  I got grumpy when they strung a few together on the phone, denying me my trip out.

  • Hi Harebelle,

    I have only just had my 2nd scan so fairly early in the cancer journey. It would g be e nice if the text was accompanied with ‘nothing to worry about but we’d like to see you face to face’. But there we go they don’t do that, it’s all efficiency and no humananity. They can’t help it though! I think Sistermoons advice is good, try to think about it positively, maybe there’s a trial they want you to think about or a new plan. It’s so hard and after reading your profile I can see you’ve been through so much already. Can you plan lots to do until your appointment to keep your mind off it? It’s the nights isn’t it, when you’re lying awake with the what ifs flying around your mind. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you as I’m sure everyone here will be and let us know how you get on. 
    Sending love and hugs to you Harebellle

    Jac x

  • Thank you so much Jac.  I'm trying to keep bust.

  • Don't keep bust, keep busy.

  • It is difficult not to catastrophise, since I stopped treatment all my appointments have been on the phone, if they suddenly contacted me to say it's a face to face appointment I'd be panicking too, but if it's your first notification of this appointment it may be because they are starting to see more patients in person.

    I hope it's not as dreadful as you fear. My phone appointment is next Monday and even though I have no especial reason to worry, every little abdominal cramp is making me more anxious.

    Best wishes 


  • My oncologist is keeping me on phone-call consultations as I'm not having any treatment at the moment, but I believe that those who are in treatment or starting, are more likely to get called in now. But you here different arrangements from other hospitals. Good luck to both of you as the waiting plays havoc, whatever the reason. Keep busy if you can. Rainie x

  • Hi Harebelle, my oncologist is not doing face to face but a nurse is in clinic. But My diabetes and colon clinic have just started doing face to face and getting back to normal. Good luck at your appointment  xx
