Radiotherapy is the only option I have been given.

  • 4 replies
  • 19 subscribers

I have cancer in my right jaw and spreading up to my eye, causing numbness in my face. Today I saw the oncologist who said there is no other treatment other than palliative radiotherapy. I may have months or up to two years, although they don't think this is likely. I asked about chemotherapy or trials but he just said none were suitable. I see the Macmillan nurse next Tuesday. Is there anything I should be asking her? I still feel poleaxed by the whole diagnosis. Thanks.

  • Hi Annamary

    Sorry to hear this, i really am.

    If it was me, i would be asking, WHY is there nothing else, please explain to me the reasons.

    I have Lung Cancer, and from the start was told by my Oncologist there is always some thing, until, there is no more.

    I have had chemo, Radiotherapy, immunotherapy, have a few problems now, and two weeks ago, if it is cancer in bones, she has two treatments lined up.

    The only question for me is Why no other treatment being offender.

    Hope others come along, they might have a few more for you to ask. 

  • Thanks for replying. This is the second consultant who has told me this is the only option. They do seem unwilling to discuss anything at all with me. On Tuesday I see the Macmillan nurse at the hospital. I will ask her.

    I do hope your treatments are successful. Thinking of you.

  • Hi

    Sorry to read this.  It does sound perplexing doesn't it.    

    I've put myself in your shoes and I've questioned "what would I do in this situation?".  This isn't for everybody and you need to recognise the signs when to walk away, but I would be googling like hell, trying to understand the treatment approaches and the trials so far.   Then asking my onco, what about blah and blah and WHY NOT?

    You've mentioned some treatments, chemo and RT, but what about immunotherapy and/or targeted therapy? 

    Another option is to ask for a second opinion.   But you don't just want someone who works beside your consultant because they are just going to say the same thing.  I'd be finding out who is the guru on your type of cancer and try and get an appointment there.  Another question to ask is how many cases of your type of jaw cancer has your current onco seen?  Are you the first perhaps?  Are they saying nothing is available because they don't know what is at the cutting edge in the jaw oncology space right now, or is it universally accepted there is no viable treatment for your situation?  

    Have you asked this question in the Head and Neck group?   and @radioactiveraz are stalwarts in that group and they may be able to advise if anyone has posted about it.  Also if you have some medical terminology your H&N onco has given you, you could try that in the search function at the top of the page, for a laptop.   Not sure where it is on a phone - this forum is not so intuitive on mobile devices.  

    You can also search trials yourself at antidote [dot] me.  And look at the NICE approved treatments, and the NHS approved treatments.     

    Sounds like you'd benefit from connecting with others who have the same diagnosis.   Where to find them is the question! 

  • Thanks. You made some very valid points. Thoughts are just chasing themselves around in my head at the moment, not productive at all. I'll read your post again tomorrow, make some notes and do some searching online. Have a peaceful night. Xx