Well i asked a question

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  • 21 subscribers

Might be a long thread, I get scanned every 3 months, March Scan all good, from March till June, i had been working in the garden, and some how thought i had hurt my back, then lost the use of my right leg, anomy,

Three monthly Scan June, Dr phoned, you have two fractures in your pelvis, so sent for check to see if it was ostroprories, yes it is, started medication, and fractures can take up to four months to heal, lovely,

Scan September you now have another fracture deep within the pelvis, so urgent MRI to be done, ok,

October had to see Oncologist  Face to Face first time since before lockdown, right you have Fractures yes Ostroprories, no two are, one is cancer in bone, could have knocked me down with a feather.

I then asked how can you tell the difference between fractures and cancer in the bone, she replied i can not down to the radiologist. ok, my kids said that was a silly question, i did not think it was, who am i .

So a plan of action was put to me, ok, well yesterday 3 weeks not heard anything, so i phoned my nurse.

Oh yes you have been discussed at the MDT, now the plan has been changed not a PET  Scan another MRI, why i asked, the Radiologist is not sure if cancer or not,

Well i thought to myself, it was the Oncologist said it was the Radiologist that knows, that is there job,

So now in limbo, enough to turn you to drink.

  • Hi ellie, Your question was a very sensible one. I'd have asked the same question, because I'd want to know how different things look on the scan. Ask to see the scan itself and get the oncologist to point out these fractures. I would. So, given that you are getting mixed messages here, try to set this aside until you have confirmation as to the real situation, as you are being given things to worry about when they haven't even been confirmed. Deary me. Hugs. Rainie x

  • Not worried as such, i know there is problems with pelvis, own weight to much for the pelvis, have to keep  siting down, or clean on hands and knees, that a sight, i can assure you,

    The bit that go me was going to be radiotherapy, had before for lungs, so knew what it was all about.

    So yesterday i said so if i had started radio and it was not cancer in bone, then what, do more damage than good, lovely.

    Next face to face will ask to see scan, i just thought radiologist  says cancer in bone and the others not, but three bones are fractured  whats the difference ,   when you are looking at bones fractured ,    what looks different,

    Wait till i tell my kids, i will say it was not a stupid question, gave myself a pat on the back lol.

  • Following this with interest Ellie.

    I've been told I have cancer in the bone, but I often wonder if it's something else.  I was being investigated for polymyalgia rheumatica before being diagnosed.

    Obviously the tumour is what it is, but I sometimes wonder about the whole 'cancer has spread to the bones in your shoulders'  diagnosis.

    Especially seeing as I have it in both shoulders.  If I only had it in the one shoulder (same side as the tumour) I would agree that it was cancer.  But both shoulders?  Odd.

    I know some conditions can mimic lesions in the bones.

    I wonder how they tell for sure?

  • What i wont to know, three fractures so how can the radiologist , tell from one fracture, to another what has caused it, how does it look to them to give a different conclusion.

  • Maybe when it is cancer the bone would look more eaten away then just broke?? But someone in there must be able to really ANSWER your question. Fingers crossed.

  • Hi Ellie, I have breast cancer that has spread to my hip and skull. I had a scan and before I had the radiotherapy the radiologist showed me the scan of my hip, the cancer showed up like a sparkler, so quite obvious what it was.

    I definitely think you should push to see your scan, once it has been clarified it should stop you worrying..   Cindy xx 

  • Hi Ellie, I think you have asked a very relevant question, one that I would be asking in your situation. You would think someone MUST know the answer. If it was me, I'd be asking IF They don't know, then would the PET scan give them the answer! If so, why have they changed it to an MRI!

    Dont let them fob you off Ellie, you have every right to ask a question and it is up to them to answer it! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • HI
    I also had pain in the shoulders - in fact this is how I discovered I had cancer. The short story is that initially I thought it was polymyalgia (my mum had it) but after investigations they discovered I had a crush fracture in my C7 caused by a tumour. This turned out to be one of a number of bone metastases, the primary being the lung. That was 4 months ago now. So since then I've had surgery to remove the vertebra, radiotherapy and 3 sessions of chemo and immunotherapy.

  • Hi Fitzeagle and welcome. I just wondered if you are staying on the immunotherapy and if not, what plan of action do they have for you. I read your profile page and wondered if you have heard anything about the Trial you mentioned. Did you ask your Oncologist to look into the Trial to see if you fitted the criteria! It was a Trial drug that worked its miracle for me!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    I have one more session of immunotherapy and then just chemo thereafter. They are going to reduce the dosage by 25% next cycle as it seems I'm not making enough red blood cells. I needed 1.5 litres last treatment and 0.5 the time before.

    And unfortunately I wasn't suitable for the trial as I have a rare/unusual mutation of the KRAS protein. I think it would have been good for me, but unfortunately it wasn't to be.

    It's great that the trial has been good for you. Hope it continues.

    Vivien x