I had a dream last night .....

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In it, my Oncologist said " Good news Harebelle! , There is now no sign of cancer. Even though you are Stage 4 , there is no sign of active disease. Take this daily pill and you only have to see me every 6 months!  In fact, these days, people with your type of Stage 4 cancer often live 10 years and more!"

Then I woke up and remembered -  I have Stage 4 LUNG cancer. and that not all Stage 4's are equal.

Some Stage 4's these days are treated more as a chronic (manageable) illnesses, whilst others truly are death sentences, where you're lucky to reach 2 years, and to actually make it to 5 would be truly classed as a miracle 

Trust me to get one of the shitty ones.

If you look at the 5 year survival rates for my stage 4 cancer, it's like looking at a map of Africa. All the more survivable ones are up at the top of the wedge.

Lung cancer is right down at the narrow tip, not far above above pancreatic and mestholonia!

Not sure why I'm writing this, but felt like a rant tonight.

Also, a lot of people dont realise that some cancers at stage 4 are completely different to other cancers at Stage 4.

Some Stage 4s are more aggressive than others.

I'd like there to be more awareness of this.

Although when Pancreatic Cancer tried to raise awareness of how some cancers are more deadly wirh little hope and brought out 'that' advert in 2014 it created a right ole shitstorm of divided opinions.Hushed

I think they were brave to do it, but others disagreed.

  • All stage 4 are different as such, all depends where the tumours are,if gone outside the lung, and so on.

    I am stage four, have been from day one, and now coming up to7years next March, and i  am not going any where yet as far as i know.

  • I am like ellie..stage 4 lung cancer , no surgery...and just hit the 7 year mark!!!! 

  • Hi Harebelle, just read your post, nothing wrong with a good rant, have as many as you want, I found it very interesting, I'm stage 4 but to be honest I don't have a great knowledge of other stage 4 on the group, but whilst we are here there is always a chance someone will come up with a new treatment, all we can do is live with hope and enjoy our lives.