Chemo has stopped working

  • 9 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Good evening everyone,

I have stage 4 incurable anal cancer thanks to the doctors and hospitals where I was told for 3 years there was nothing wrong with me, the doctors eventually sent me to a consultant who said I was bleeding because I wiped my bum too hard. The list goes on with mistakes which brings me to where I am now.

I was on carboplatin and pacletaxil (spelling might be wrong) which was working really well (after I was told it wouldn't work) so was told to stop for 3 months to see if Bristol could operate, they couldn't so was put back on same chemo, fast forward 3 months and it hasn't done anything, tumour has grown instead. I'm waiting to hear from Exeter if there's any different chemo. 

I was wandering if anyone had a positive response from super healthy eating and taking vitamins like turkey tail mushroom capsules, turmeric and vitamin D. I've been following Chris Wark in America who believes what the body makes it can heal. I'm interested to see if anyone has any views on this, I'm not sure whether to give it a try as I feel I have nothing to lose. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, 

many thanks 

marie x

  • Hi Marie...sorry haven't tried any of these...but i think there must be another treatment option available for you!!   

  • Hi Marie, sounds like you need answers from your oncologist so that you can understand where you stand. From extensive reading I would def not recommend turning to these alternative options, they may just give you false hope. On hearing from your oncologist you could try counselling and how to reach acceptance.  Love to you and yours xx

  • Hi Marie, just read your post sorry for late response, first question I'd ask these alternative treatment group how many have recovered from cancer, I doubt there will be any of them, stick with the oncologists but if you're not happy demand answers, you might be suitable for experimental treatments, I took part in covid 19 antivirus treatment worked for me, now it's available to everyone, so don't take no for an answer it's your body not theirs,. All the best Ulls 

  • Hello Marie, Just seen your post having been away. I perfectly understand that you would want to explore all avenues regarding treatment. Complementary therapies have had a poor press over the years which is often unfair. Only quack therapies claim to cure and should be avoided. But there are therapies that can aid you - especially, for instance, in getting over chemotherapy - that's why they're called complementary.

    I take supplements to help my very poor immune system because they help support my body. I know they will not cure my cancer, but they will not harm me either. It's not a good idea to abandon conventional therapies - they can hardly be called a cure either - but they can buy us valuable time. As with all medicines there is a trade-off in what you gain from them and what the side effects will be.

    I take Biobran - which helps in the production of T-cells. I also take turmeric and Vit. D [ but I've taken those last two for years as I have SAD in the winter and turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and since I can't take NSAIDs since stomach surgery, it helps with my aches and pains.

    The cancer research website has a section on comp. therapies and is worth a look. As for diet, I've followed a plant-based, wholefood diet for years. It has removed diabetes from the list of problems I had, so that's one thing I no longer have to think about. I've never heard of Chris Wark, but I would recommend the US website 'Forks over Knives' which is interesting and helpful.

    I think that taking some control over your situation is a positive thing to do. I told my surgeon and my oncologist what I did myself. I didn't ask their permission - some doctors are very anti - it's my body and I will decide what I put into it. My oncologist, to give him credit, was actually interested and said he was happy I was taking the supplements.

    Whatever you decide, do your research and I wish you all the best. Hugs from Rainie x

  • Thank you for all your replies. I've just had a PET scan requested by Exeter to see how big the tumour has grown and to see if there's any spread. While waiting for an appointment to discuss it I've started taking vitamins and juicing carrots as I feel it will do me some good. Hopefully Exeter will come back with good news soon. 

    many thanks and big hugs 

    marie x

  • Hi Marie hope all goes well with your scan and you get good results. When I asked the oncologist if I could have the CBD oil cos my sister bought me some ? She said NO !! It could interfere with my treatment, she said eat Mediterranean Diet and a good multi vitamin and vitamin d. Sending big hugs xx


  • I've just done a post and it's not posted ????

  • Hi Marie I hope your scan goes well and you get good results,  take care sending hugs xx


  • Hi Marie, I'm not a great believer in alternative treatment, but when I joined the prostate group I was recommended drinking pomegranate and cranberry juice, to help with urine infections it works for me, they are supposed to help control cancer but don't know that bit