Chemo delayed

  • 6 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hi all,

just wanted to vent as I was due to start my second round of chemo today and it didn't happen due to a drugs mix up.....  Its already two days overdue, so it will be closer to a four week gap by the time I start on Monday.  They can only start my chemo on a Monday, Thursday and Friday as I have a 96 hour pump that can only be removed Mon - Fri and the consultant has already ruled out this cycle being anything less than three weeks, so cycle three will be pushed back more than three weeks as well..  The planner in me has worked out that I'll be ingesting 5-FU on Christmas Day.  Probably not the biggest thing to worry about but it was a big deal to me not to be on drugs that day.  It also messes up other events that we had planned to be after days 4-9 when I felt terrible.

I know that there are much bigger things to worry about,  but its a big deal to me as well as the let down after mentally preparing myself for this session.  I thought that I could rely on my chemo sessions being regular,  but it seems that its yet another thing thats out of my control.....

Rant over.

  • it is so annoying when they cannot get things right, it does not effect them but the patient and the family.

    I was to go or a MRI appointment came threw on the 5th October to go on the 27th Oct,on the 24th phone call can we book you in for MRI Scan i have app, no you do not i do have letter here, read it out no your not booked in, The appointment was over an hour away, then they changed it, local hospital. went last Thursday came in and letter on mat go for appointment today, i just got it done, administrator staff are useless i will be telling my oncologist on Wednesday

    Sorry they have mucjed your chemo up x

  • That's what I mean about my problem being small!  That's a major hassle.  

    When the initial investigations were starting for what turned out to be my cancer,  I had some really odd communications with the ultrasound department along the same lines.  I'd transferred to the private system by this point,  so it didn't matter,  but it really felt as though there were two sets of people dealing with my appointments,  which I complicated further by cancelling it - not sure if that appointment ever did get truly cancelled....

    Good luck with getting with results within a reasonable timescale.


  • Just gets me going, have enough to contend with, than sorting out their mistakes, lol since then i have 7 texts on phone all saying appointment at the hospital an hour away, kept them to show oncologist, Must be loads of people that have  this aggravation i am sure.,

  • :-(

    It's the "control" thing, totally agree.  You gear yourself up for plan A and when it's changed it can invoke a whole range of emotions, understandably so. 

  • Thanks! It took me a while to calm down, but I eventually got my head around the fact that mistakes do happen. Now that I’m on chemo day 4 it all seems trivial (and probably seems that way to others), but it is important at the time!

  • It can be annoying 

    i had chemo delays because my blood levels weren’t right 

    this happened a couple of times obviously that’s nothing that anyone’s done wrong but it’s still caused a week delay each time