Struggling to breathe.

  • 7 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Guys,   I am really struggling to breathe now to the point where it’s becoming unmanageable  and I’m  going to have to raise this with my oncologist albeit last time he was not really interested in that side of my treatment  

I can’t walk more than 10 yards or 1 flight of stairs before i have to stop and carch my breath. I then have to sit stop for at least 5 mins. 

I had a Thoracoscopy 7 weeks ago now but would have rhought had that have anything to do with it it would have gone down by now?  
Have any of you had anything similar? 

  • Please do contact your doctor one needs to struggle to breathe...don't wait!!

  • Hi Tony,  I hope this isn't a lame suggestion, buy would an inhaler help?  They're not just for asthma.. lWorth asking about?

    Either way I hope it gets sorted soon. It must be horrible struggling to breath. 

  • I am the same and get breathless.

    i bought a pulse oximeter from Amazon and it tells you your oxygen levels. You can also test your peak flow.

    i am going to have a chest X-ray to see if I have any fluid collected because removing that helps. I see you have had that done. There are things you can do to help I haven’t tried an inhaler but I think that can help as well. Just stopping and getting your breath back does help than you go off again.

    Good luck xx


  • I get very breathless when I exert myself, to the point when I feel I must either sit down or fall down. This is the result of a post-surgical lung infection that nearly took me off and has left my left lung badly compromised.

    Listen to your body and try not to panic when you feel you are struggling for air. I would certainly get some things 'in the bank' to help at times like these. Maybe ask your doctor for some of the things that have been suggested: perhaps an inhaler for when you are out; an oxygen supply for the home perhaps to ease symptoms and help get you through bad patches; there may be other drugs that can help open up the airways too. So ask, don't fret and panic.

    All the very best, Rainie x

  • Thanks  Raine, you’re so right, it’s hard not today  panic.

    My concern is I don’t what’s the cause. If  they said you can’t Travel for example as your all bruised internally from your operation. At  least I’d have  something I could work to. 

    I’ll have a word with the Oncologist next week and see if I can get a steer of him. 

    Thanks again. 

    Take care guys,


  • The other thing of course is that you might have another fluid build-up in the lung. Like you said, when they drain that off the relief is instant. They did it to me as I sat on the bed, leant over the bedside table on a pillow . Large needle which I wish I hadn't seen, but which did the trick. I sang to myself and tapped out the rhythm with my fingers and got through it OK. When I looked round afterwards there were three huge bottles on the side. It had all come out of my lung. Heck! Maybe get that checked out to at least discount the possibility. Rainie x

  • Hey Rameses,

    This sounds as if you need to ask for advise sooner rather than waiting for your appointment. I hope that you get this looked at. 
