What is the likely Treatment Plan for inoperable metastasised cancer?

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  • 28 subscribers

Hi there 

I'm about to get the results of my bone biopsy soon.  I expect they'll then be able to stage it.

I'm assuming there will then be a Treatment Plan put in place. If I'm lucky. 

Facts I know so far:-

1.There's a mass in my lung. (primary)

2.t's inoperable.

3. It's spread to the bones of my shoulders and arms (explains extreme pain)

So my question is,

How do they decide who to treat and  try lots of different things in order  to keep the person  going as long for as  as possible, maybe even 5 years or more, 

Or on the other hand, what would make them say:

Ever so sorry Harebelle, here's the number for your hospice nurse and a bottle of oramorph for the pain. And send me on my way.

When they're looking at my case, will they take into account factors such as,

I'm old, but not that old 

Um fairly  fit , active and mobile.

I don't smoke

I have no wheezing or shortness of breath

My lung function test was fairly good, considering.

I'm not underweight

I'm not overweight.

Appetite is good. 

 Basically they're playing God with us! It's a frightening thought!

In your experience what makes them go all out with some patients and not bother so much with others?

Thanks.  X