Does anyone else have MRI scans

  • 8 replies
  • 25 subscribers

I see lots of posts on here about CT scans, but I have always had MRIs.

I have only ever had 1 CT scan just after I was diagnosed, but I have had annual MRIs for 30 years due to having neurofibromatosis

(it’s how they spotted the brain tumour) and now I have an MRI every 3 months so safe to say I’m used to them.

seems like most people have CTs though, so does anyone else have experience of MRIs they are much louder and take longer than CTs - magnets not radiation though 

  • I've had an MRI too, but not for cancer.  The two scans are best suited to different things.  My understanding is the medics choose the scan that will give them the best image for the investigation they seek.  

    I would agree, MRIs def louder and longer.  And then there is all the polava before you start, making sure there is no hidden metal anywhere. 

  • I had an MRI after the recurrance, as well as a CT. They said they did it to get a fuller picture before the surgery that followed. Therafter though, it's only been CTs.  Rainie x

  • Never had an MRI, always Cts. I did have a bone scan last week - that was long one. Think that is sophisticated X ray machine and takes pics every few seconds as the machine trotates around the body. Radioactive injection a few hours before to show up "hotspots" . Right at the end I was put through mini CT scanner as well - never been so thoroughly scanned or had to lie still for so long either - about one hour in total, but at least I didnt have to have arms over head like normal CT.

  • The worst mri I had was over 4 hours it was horrible trying to keep still that long, luckily I’m so used to the no metal system now I can just go straight in as I avoid wearing anything with metal and I have all the forms ready

    A friend of mine has kidney cancer and only ever had 10 minute CTs (so her scans are now known as the scan for wimps Joy  ) 

    on the other hand the dose of contrast for an mri is much lower, so the injection doesn’t make me feel like I’m going to wet myself like it did with the CT

  • Yes had to have MRI for my brain tumor...first ct then mri...they can see things better then they said...very loud, i did not hear the music in my

  • Hi Charlotte, After diagnosis I had a CT & MRI every 3 months for almost four and a half years, then it went down to six monthly, now it is annually. In between times I get ultrasounds. The MRI's take from 90 minutes to 130 minutes but I know they show a lot more detail than the CT's do. I agree some of the older machines can be very noisy but the newer ones coming out are quite a bit quieter. To be honest, I don't think my oncologist would be giving me MRI's if she didn't think they were necessary.

    I wonder if you have asked your oncologist why she/he has chosen MRI's, the answer may put your mind at ease.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I asked if I could have MRI scans instead of CTs because I had read somewhere that they may produce a better image of my tumour, and also because the CTs give such a high dose of radiation. My consultant spoke to the radiologist who said there isn't good evidence of better pictures and they don't do MRIs for my type of cancer at Weston Park.

    I am having a PET scan today because my CTs have shown no progression and if the PET shows nothing too I may be referred back to the surgeons, though I am hoping it will actually show nothing so I won't need surgery either! 


  • Hi I've never had MRI. I'm CT scans every 3 months. Don't think I could do MRIs as I'm  terrible clostraphobic (can't spell either). X