Morphine tablets and steroids

  • 12 replies
  • 25 subscribers


I have incurable, untreatable ovarian cancer, so I am only receiving palliative care. Because I have been getting more pain recently, my cancer nurse has suggested that I take slow release morphine tablets twice a day instead of the codeine which I take at the moment. Does anyone know if there are any downsides to these tablets. I worry that they'll make me constantly sleepy as I take liquid morphine at night precisely because it helps me sleep.

The nurse has also suggested steroids to help with my energy levels. My only experience of steroids is from the doses I was given with my chemotherapy. I did always have an amazing amount of energy the next day but I also slept very badly for two nights. What are other people's experiences with steroids.



  • So good to hear that Sarah, as I think I'm about to be ready for the next level of pain meds. Maybe. I don't know. It's good to hear it worked but didn't make you sleepy. I'm still having pain, and am somewhat sleepy, so maybe time to change. My wife says I should try CBD, so I will, I guess, after I check with the docs.


  • Hi Patricia, I think the dose of morphine is quite low, but as the tablets are slow release, I don't get so much breakthrough pain. I would be interested to hear about your experience with CBD if you decide to try it. I have considered it, but feel a bit wary especiallyas it seems hard to know if you're getting a good quality product or not.
