Bone mets...

  • 11 replies
  • 25 subscribers

I did put a post up here yesterday , but now it is gone??? Why???

  • Well i try again then...i just wanted to ask, if there is someone here who has bone mets. As i get now pain in my lower leg/ shinbone more regularly . It's a sharp pain in bone , like someone puts a screwdriver in. Doc said we may take an xray to see. Can bone mets hurt only sometimes? Thanks Pet

  • Freaking bizarre. I responded to your original, and I think Richard did too. Yes, he gets injections once a month, I remember he said... where did it go?

    My primary cancer was bone cancer in my femur, it hurt when I walked on it but felt better when I rested it. But others' hurt when resting too.

    You had also asked if xrays would show bone cancer. They usually do an xray for leg pain eventually, which alerts them to something wrong, then they narrow in on cancer. So everyone I know with my cancer started with xrays. Except my femur broke first, before we had a chance to narrow in, but that's a different situation.

    My scans of my leg now are just xrays. I get ct's of my lungs (where it usually returns), but only xrays of my leg.

    Also, are you on treatment anymore? I know the GCSF to increase white blood cells after chemo can cause bone pain as well.

    Crossing fingers it's just weird leg pain!


  • Yes it's weird...

    Thanks Patricia, yes i still on immun therapy with Nivulumab, but don't think it's a side effect. Mine mostly hurts when i rest.

  • I can see both posts. What I said on the other one was

    I started with kidney cancer which has spread to my spine and pelvis.  The tumours did show up on x ray. The only problem is that tumour and damaged bone both look like white fluff on the x ray. I had vey little pain from it until one of my vertebrae collapsed and trapped nerves which was like being hit in the back with a shovel. I now have an injection every four week which slows bone regeneration and hardens the bones making it more difficult for the tumour to grow.  The injection is called denosumab or something similar. 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Hi Pet1968 your other post is still here. I 'll pop a link so you can go to it.



    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Sorry not to reply sooner Pet but I havnt been on the forum for a little while.

    I have loads of mets, spine, ribs, pelvis and associated areas. But only a few aches and pains. I am due a bone scan to see how things have progressed but my view is that they don't hurt until things go pear shaped.

    Good luck with your pains Pet. Xxxx

  • Thanks Nobs!!! Saw the onc today, ct scan shows all stable mable !!!! Now i get that xray tomorrow...fingers crossed it's nothing! Will keep you posted. Onc said if there is something to see she will ring me and organize a bone hopefully no call!!

  • That's pretty good news I think. Just want a bit more of the same from you. Xx

  • Really pleased for you that you are stable mable!!!!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you tomorrow xxxxx

  • Hope you are totally stable Mabel. Wishing you all the best. Rainie x