Eye metastes from lung

  • 2 replies
  • 21 subscribers

It is been a while since I was here, but I have just had a really scary phone call. I have developed double vision which the ophthalmologist suspects is a secondary cancer around my right eye. She is arranging an urgent scan. This has knocked me for six as I have had scarcely any symptoms from the lung cancer up to now. I do realise I may be jumping the gun but i am so afraid of going blind. I fear that more than anything so far. To make matters worse I am on my own as my sister/carer has just today gone away for a week. I wonder if anyone has been in this situation and has any advice to offer?

  • FormerMember

    Try not to worry until you know for certain Minimoo.  The fear of it is almost worse than the reality.  Your sister will be back before you know it, and you will get through it together.

  • I understand you're scared. But wait until you know more...and if worse case..you still got the other eye. Soon your sister will be back and stands by your side.