No more options available?

  • 8 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Have had several types of intravenous chemo and various tablets for metastatic breast cancer since 2013. Now told no further treatment available. Can this really be so??

  • Ive had to accept my own situation. Delayed diagnosis of 5 Years plus possibly some palliative treatment which I may or may not go along with. I only found out last Month. There are many on here who have much experience on this situation so hope they will reply.



  • FormerMember

    Pretty shocking to be told there's nothing more that can be done. Has your disease progressed despite your latest treatment?

    I have found that having district nurse and hospice support all lined up had been a comfort for me. Have you been referred to these services?

    Remember, lots of people on here are stable even without any specific cancer treatments.

    Good luck, and keep active here as there is lots of support.

    Stuart x 

  • Is your cancer currently progressing or is it stable? Have you checked if there are any trials that you may qualify for.  New treatments are coming up all the time so there may be options soon.


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Yes. Disease has progressed. Referred to Community palliative care nurse and regular call from district nurse to check on me.No trials available locally apparently but perhaps further afield? At 82 years perhaps not the most suitable of candidates? Well supported by family and neighbours so many pluses.

  • Mmmm. Ask for a second opinion at a hospital where they do a lot of trials...? I'm not breast cancer, so to speak, but I know someone who is and is on a trial at UCLH. I don't think age matters, as long as the risks don't outweigh the potential benefits. But perhaps some of the pharmaceutical companies involved in trials have an age limit??? No idea. Definitely worth asking if you're keen to go on a trial. Here is a place to look for one but I gave up and asked my oncologist who was "into trials". She sent me to test for one and I wasn't eligible because I didn't have the right DNA profile or marker or such.

    It's just good to put your mind at rest that if you're not on a trial, it's because there isn't one / you don't qualify, rather than because no-one knows or has asked for you...?

  • Hi Wardses,

    I completely understand, it's somewhat puzzling when all the treatment seems to come to a grinding halt. Nothing? No more? And now I just sit around and wait while it eats me up inside? How can I possibly do that?

    I do know some trials have age limits, but I bet it depends on the trial (for my cancer, I've seen limits of 50 years old, or 18 years old). I have chosen not to do a trial, because I'm not that altruistic, the ones out there are not very promising as far as outcomes, and the treatments would make me sick. But again, that's my cancer (osteosarcoma), may be different for breast cancer.

    I'm so sorry you have to face this, and I hope that this forum provides some kind of solace.


  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much everyone who has taken the time to reply. I am now awaiting results of MRI brain scan so things should get even more interesting!

  • Hello. Just to let you know that I'm thinking of you, having just read this and hope that you find something to help you. Big, big hugs. Rainie x