
  • 6 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hi everyone,

Please feel free to read my profile.

62 years old 

T3b N1 M0 

Gleason 4+5=9

Agressive localised prostate cancer high range. 

Treatable not curable, spread to lymph nodes deep in the pelvis.

So  I'm waiting as I type to go into my Radiotherapy planning session.

Saw the oncologist last Tuesday and my letter came a three days later.

She did say that she needed to bring me back to The Christie Hospital instead of Salford as planned.

She said she couldn't do what she wanted there !!!

Forget to ask why, anyone any ideas ?

I'm in a good mind set and have gained more energy in the day, getting tired in the evening.

Suffering from neurophpy which the oncologist said may never go away.

My feet are like ice and numb almost all of the time.

So I'm learning to live with it. 

Over the last few weeks I have had really heavy feeling sore/tired legs 

(But keep on walking, not giving up)

Can't work out if this is from my chemo which I finished at the end of April or the neurophpy. 

The pain is making the knee replacement I had in late 2019 really sore. Q- anyone think that this may be connected.

Just had an hour in Maggie's Manchester which is so peaceful and so helps my mind and soul.

The staff are so wonderful.

So it's time for the planning session soon.

Thanks for listening and please all take care of yourselves and I wish all your families well.

Bye for now.



  • Good luck Spud. Enjoy your new tattoos!

    Slight smile

    Stuart x 

  • Thanks Stuart,the Oncologist said they don't do tattoo requests, so guess I'll take what comes.

    Stay safe 


  • Hi spud, chemo knocked me for months,   Be kind to yourself, I had sore tired legs which improved over time, perhaps when my activity levels increased. 

  • So I started my radiotherapy Wednesday 21st July.

    Three days this week then Sat/Sun off, 5 days weekly moving forward.

    Please feel free to read my profile.

    It was as it had been described and everyone was so nice.

    Day one passed ok however they did say my bladder was small and they would do it the second day without it being emptied.

    Day two they said carry on drinking a lot of fluid and they would move forward not asking me to empty my bladder as it was a lot better on the scan.

    Day two I had bad cramps for about 10 minutes later that day, but it passed (in the abdomen)

    As my Pelvis is being treated at the same time, I seem to have some ache/slite pain around the hip area both sides.

     Day three, passed ok and I’m back at the wonderful Christie Hospital tomorrow and it’s amazing staff.

    I seem to have a new inner strength at the moment.

    I have always had a positive mind set and for all I get very tired early evening and then my neuropathy kicks in (legs getting  vey heavy and sore, feet feeling like ice)

    So the Weekend is being kind and I’m aware as my treatment continues I may get more side effects, so I must remain strong and be sensible with my diet and lifestyle as always.

    I hope this helps someone somehow.

    Please all take care and stay safe, love to you and yours.


    “You don’t know how Strong you are,

    until being Strong is your only choice “

    Bob Marley 

  • Sounds like it's generally going well, Spud. Long may that continue for you. Enjoy your weekend break.

    Stuart x 

  • That sounds positive hope the treatment works well for you


    be safe, be nice, be you