Hi All

  • 6 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Just been to see my GP face to face anyway  got the realities PSA up in the high 400,s as said hopefully  will get a break in the weather sort my chair out and  enjoy life

All the very best to everyone 

  • You know your PSA can be in thousands Jim. It works the other way as well, mine was about 4 when diagnosed.and I am as buggered as you! Let's hope you are pleasantly surprised and the cancer is taking a break as well.

    Plenty of people on your side here. Cheers.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Thanks for your reply my PSA started  of at 4.

    5 it is what it is anyway I wish you the best of luck and everything  else of course

    PS hoping  for some sunshine soon

  • Hi Jim, I do hope you are not googling these numbers! It depends on which site you look at but there are so many differences of opinion, it's not worth bothering about. When do you get your chair?

    We have come to the seaside for the Bank Holiday, staying 3 nights in hotel in Ayr. I have brought my wheelchair, my electric buggy and of course my elbow crutches, so no matter where we go, I've got it covered! On Sunday we are going to Culzean Castle and Country Park. I won't manage the castle but the grounds are beautiful, so we have booked a larger electric buggy for the day ( for which there is no charge) so that will get me everywhere in the grounds and to see our grandson playing in the Fort they have specially built for kids, so looking forward to that.

    The sun shone earlier and that is meant to continue Saturday, Sunday and Monday, that will be great! Got my sun hat and sun cream with me! I hope everyone has a great weekend, whether at home or away! Relax and enjoy every minute......I will!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette

    Haven't got my chair I am making arrangements to change my mobility  car as I need ashoist  car  I have is to small my lease is not up to October the mobility  people have been very kind one snag I got a letter from the DWP have to reapply for PiP as mine ends in September between Macmillan and st Barnabus welfare cant really see a problem and been told it's with the adjudicator one never knows been told will know by 8th June.

    My 45th wedding anniversary was yesterday  29th may been having a nice time with friends bonus summer seems to have arrived sitting in garden listening  to bird song having some neighbour's round no I dont google I take a day at a time I blessed with family and friends of course you and everyone  on this site are part of my family as you say Yesterday  is history today a gift and tomorrow a mystery 

  • Hi Jim, I'm assuming there won't be any problem with renewing PIP! At least you only have a week or so to wait until 8th to get your decision and of course, if it is not a favourable one, you complain!

    I'm so pleased you enjoyed your Anniversary with friends and family. We celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary on 2 October and never in a million years, did we think we'd make it!

    The birds, like us, are enjoying the sunshine! Here, the dawn chorus starts about 5am and goes on until sundown which is not until 10pm ish! It is amazing the hours of daylight we have when we are approaching the Summer Solstice! It is not dark for long, that's for sure!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annett

    Nice to stay in touch feel somewhat  stange tomorrow  should be my chemotherapy  day wife and I are going into town birthday card for our grandson will be 8 on 14th June wont be the end of the world if my PiP is turned down but have to admit would seem stange as unfortunately  my condition has deteareated since Ifirst applied and got Iam in our garden and the sun is shining and birds are singing some are making a racket mother nature what's not to like my pain is at an acceptable  level to answer one recent question  you had for me this site has always been a bit hit and miss for me I am fingers  and thumbs seem to get there in the end very best to you and family xx