Undecided about a second opinion

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  • 25 subscribers

My various surgeons have always been of a very positive, and consequently uplifting, mind set and after I've seen them I've felt positive and determined. In contrast, my oncologist leaves me feeling flat, defeated and written off. He may of course just be more of a realist than I am, but I'm wondering if I should ask for a second opinion about treatments.

I'm well past the optimum time for chemo but am now much stronger. I've been told I can have it but this was granted rather reluctantly and I know he doesn't think it'll do much. In this he's probably correct, but if I don't give it a go then I'll never know.  I've also enquired about trying various treatments including clinical trials and asked about things like immunotherapy. He mutters a lot about the cost. I know I'm terminal but as I've got stronger since leaving hospital my mind-set has changed and I want to give it a go and try to hang around a bit longer if I can.

Part of me feels bloody-minded and the other part just has a lump in it's throat -  the sort that isn't cancer.

I've been casting around for other oncologists and there is a woman at the Royal Marsden who looks right. I was hoping to find some in Cambridge but haven't so far discovered any.

When is the right time to look elsewhere I wonder and do you just ring them up yourself? Has anybody done this? I'm quite Ok with this as my GP surgery is the sort where you never ever see a GP - all by phone. Your experiences would be helpful. Thanks folks.