Undecided about a second opinion

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My various surgeons have always been of a very positive, and consequently uplifting, mind set and after I've seen them I've felt positive and determined. In contrast, my oncologist leaves me feeling flat, defeated and written off. He may of course just be more of a realist than I am, but I'm wondering if I should ask for a second opinion about treatments.

I'm well past the optimum time for chemo but am now much stronger. I've been told I can have it but this was granted rather reluctantly and I know he doesn't think it'll do much. In this he's probably correct, but if I don't give it a go then I'll never know.  I've also enquired about trying various treatments including clinical trials and asked about things like immunotherapy. He mutters a lot about the cost. I know I'm terminal but as I've got stronger since leaving hospital my mind-set has changed and I want to give it a go and try to hang around a bit longer if I can.

Part of me feels bloody-minded and the other part just has a lump in it's throat -  the sort that isn't cancer.

I've been casting around for other oncologists and there is a woman at the Royal Marsden who looks right. I was hoping to find some in Cambridge but haven't so far discovered any.

When is the right time to look elsewhere I wonder and do you just ring them up yourself? Has anybody done this? I'm quite Ok with this as my GP surgery is the sort where you never ever see a GP - all by phone. Your experiences would be helpful. Thanks folks.

  • Glad you are moving forward it’s very easy to be intimidated by consultants but you have to be firm but polite and they usually fall into line. Good luck with your new oncologist 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Horrible to have to keep pushing for things but we have to.mwe are the patient after all.

    zoom calls are ok I had one with my oncologist last time for the first time instead of a telephone call.

    make sure you ask to be sent your scan reports x


  • I actually went for a 2nd opinion, my GP arranged it as she thought there may be treatment for actual tumour (sarcoma). I found one outside my teams area few hundred miles away, and after much crossed wires and delays - went.

    It’s the only actual face to face I have had with an oncologist. That alone was great. He was lovely showed me scans, explained things but couldn’t offer any treatment as cells had by then spread. 

    However the fact I had tried and had a face to face made me feel I had at least done something positive for myself.

    ( I would add my usual oncologist did say she didn’t know what I hoped to gain from 2nd opinion but I ignored that comment)

    Liposarcoma and practicing positive mental attitude 
  • Lilly, I am so glad you tried, it is not the result you wanted but it must have made your mind a bit clearer. You now have someone else on your team who will keep your notes and let you know if something new does come up.

    Your original onco needs a poke in the eye for saying that, disgraceful behaviour.

    Keep going and that silver bullet will show up for you. Xx.

  • Hello Lilly et al,

    I've been away for a wonderful break and feel it's done me the world of good. When we got back the date for my scan had come through and it's next week. So progress of sorts and then I can get my second opinion.

    Trying, like Lilly, to keep that positive mental attitude.

    Trying very hard.


  • That all sounds marvellous Raineday, a break and then not too long for a scan seems the perfect way forward. Great. Xx

  • Hi Rainieday

    Sounds like you have had a brill time. I'm hoping to get to England next month to see my new granddaughter who is expected very soon.

    Good luck for next week RD

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Excellent, keep us updated! Xx

    Liposarcoma and practicing positive mental attitude 
  • Thanks tvman and I hope you get your wished for trip. It will give you such a boost. All good wishes RD

  • Here's my update and I'm dumbstruck and in a daze since getting it. Whilst I was waiting for my scan results I heard back from my enquiry to the London oncologist that she was happy to do a consultation and had actually discussed my suitability with a colleague for a clinical trial. This in itself gave me hope. They've ordered me a hospital number for future access there. However, after what seemed like an eternity, the scan results finally came through and I had a phone consultation with my present oncologist. I'd had unpleasant internal sensations and growing discomfort and had convinced myself things were all kicking off again. But no. The CT showed that I had no new cancer and not only that the inoperable cancerous node has gone dormant. What I've been feeling is scarring from the three lots of surgery. He's said there is no need to have any treatment for the next three months and then I'll have another scan to see what's what. As for a clinical trial, at present, there wouldn't be any measurable cancer for them to, well, measure. I'm gob-smacked as they say and it's only just sinking in that I can have three months off all the worry and anxiety. Am I a fraud now? Am I still allowed to post on this thread? I'm told it will inevitably reassert itself, but for the time being, I'm in a better place than I was last week. I wish this sort of news for you all.