Long term effects from covid vaccine?

  • 6 replies
  • 21 subscribers


Wondering if anyone has experienced similar, or read of anything similar.

History is I have metastatic oesophgastric cancer that has been rendered NED by two years of nivolumab immunotherapy. 

Had the Pfizer vaccine end of Feb, couple of days sore arm then fine.

Then, about 5 days later, I developed a strange pain in my neck, shoulder, and upper arm. Kind of like a dead / weak arm, with pain that comes and goes. This is all on the same side I got jagged. At times I feel like the pinpoint of the pain is where the needle went in - maybe a little higher than usual 

I subsequently had a ultrasound to my neck which showed a few swollen lymph nodes in my collarbone. This area experiences pain sometimes too. I've done a fair bit of reading, and these symptoms can occur as a result of the vaccine, but it is now 6-7 weeks since the jag and while they haven't got worse, they've not gone away either.

Just curious if anyone else, especially anyone who has had their body bombarded with immunotherapy, had any similar effects. From reading, apparently the response to the vaccine can be heightened quite severely in those of us who have had certain types of immuno.

TIA for any responses, and of course I hope you're all well


  • Hi Graeme77 

    The only side effect I had from the covid vaccine was a really bad headache which lasted a couple of days. I guess it is all so new we cannot say if somethings are side effects or not. I know your post is from a few days ago, so I hope the pain has eased now. 

    Take care 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • FormerMember

    Hi, thought I'd update on this. Sadly found a pretty solid, painful mass on my back near my armpit the other day, and a desperate search of my body discovered at least 5 suspicious lymph nodes (chin, rib, armpit x2, clavicle) and a couple of what looks like cysts on my back and above my nipplr.

    Turns out the shoulder and neck pain was likely caused by the lump in my back / armpit (I reckon its about grape sized), maybe it's pulling on muscles or something. Kicking myself for not finding it sooner, I was so convinced my symptoms were from the vaccine and I should have had a more thorough self examination.

    So it looks like I'm back on the treatment wagon. I hope there's something they can offer me. I've been ~2 years NED and an extra 10 months treatment free, so I know I'm being greedy but I'd have liked a bit more time with the boys than that. 

    Away for the weekend at a caravan (already booked although wouldn't cancel) then ultrasound when I get back and hopefully I'll have a ct booked before my pre-arranged onc app on the 12th. Devastated.


  • Hi Graeme I am sorry to hear this.  I know you will be worrying, but try and enjoy your weekend away.  It sounds like things will move quickly with scans when you get back.  I have found lumps before and feared the worst (I have a sarcoma) which have come back as fine, so I pray the same for you. 

    Take care 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Graeme,

    As Chelle says, it may be something innocent, so try not to run out to meet your troubles. Hope you have a great weekend away. Where is the caravan?

    Stuart x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Galilee

    Hi Galilee, caravan is in Coldingham, about 30ish miles north of Berwick. I seem to have new lymph nodes appearing every day. The number and speed is pretty scary, but I'm trying to put it out my mind and enjoy the moment. 

  • Lymph nodes can swell up for all sorts of reasons. Try not to assume the worst.

    Hope you have a great weekend.

    Stuart x