  • 9 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Hi all, update eventually got results on Thursday unfortunately both tumors have grown but very slightly, so will be starting chemo in couple of weeks to try and get them back under control, not the news I would have liked but at least the growth is slight so I must be grateful for that.

Hope everyone is as well as can be expected,.

Have a lovely Easter

xxHatching chick

  • Hi Devon Cat,

    Sorry to hear that your tumours have increased already. Good luck with your treatment when it restarts.

    I hope that you can still enjoy a happy Easter.

    Best wishes 


  • Not great news DC, hopefully the chemo will slap those tumours down.

    Stuart x 

  • Galileo is right Devon cat. Not brilliant news but the chemo will win for you. Xxx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear that  not what you were hoping for. I hope the fact that it's slight is a help and the chemo does it's stuff with minimal,side effects. I hope it doesn't spoil Easter for you xx

  • So sorry to hear that , I hope the chemo can reduce the tumours to less than they were. Have a lovely Easter and try to get positive.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember

    Hey DC

    Really not the news you want but the increase is slight and you have the chemo to hopefully pull it all back into shape so, once more into the fray...

  • Hi Devon Cat, Not the news any of us wanted for you but the up side is if they are small, I hope the chemo will zap them quickly! A stitch in time etc etc!

    Hoping they have found them early enough that they won't become a problem.

    You enjoy Easter Weekend and try, although it isn't easy, to take it one step at a time! Enjoy your Easter Eggs!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Sorry to hear that but as others have said very slightly are the words to focus one x


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • I'm sorry for the news no one want's to hear. What chemo will you get? When i had grow last year i did get radiation and it worked. So crossing my fingers for you!!