“A SiT’s Progress”

  • 369 replies
  • 30 subscribers

My apologies for my recent absence from our little community – there are two reasons.

Firstly, I was quite deeply offended at the recent unnecessarily heavy-handed manner in which the powers that be dealt with our “offensive” behaviour – I think they maybe should recognise the specific circumstances that bring us together in this place and cut us a little slack…

Secondly, whilst all of that palava was unfolding, I was also going thru the Scanxiety nightmare of my 9 month test & scans and whilst the CT Thorax/Abdo/Pelvis report was Stable Mable, the CT Brain reported 3 mets which, as many of you know, in late-stage SCLC usually signifies the beginning of the end…

And so it probably is but my Oncs are not letting me go without a proper “tear-up” as the proposed new treatment is RT Brain (planning session next Weds at CUH), followed by a second go on the original chemo of Carboplatin/Etopside (which apparently is effective at crossing the brain/body threshold) and continuing with the Atezolizumab. He even said that there are “other” possible treatments after that…

It is quite interesting in that SCLC is usually not treated with Atezo and coupled with the incredible response since diagnosis, my onc said that all normal bets are off because this is new territory, even for them… We’ll see…

Much Love & Huge Hugs

Stay Strong


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I’m gonna give my car to my grandson- he is only just 14 so I need to plan to stay around for a while to make sure he gets it!!!

  • Dear SiT

    Bad luck with the news and good luck with the RT,  the further options sound hopeful as well.

    It is lovely to see you back here. I was really glad of your welcome when I started on here not long ago 

    I love my electric bike, though 28mph would have to be self powered as they only assist up to 15mph! Sadly I don't get out on it as much as I'd like because the first two weeks of my chemo cycle I need to be too wrapped up and my glasses steam up too much!

    Hope to hear plenty more from you

    Best wishes 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I truly hope that happens for you both.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Salis

    Thank Salis & very glad you have become a regular - keep it up but don't take Norbs any cookies... he's (always) on the naughty step for good reason - I've had a word with Pet...

  • Hi SiT, Welcome back, I dont think I saw your note requesting leave!

    Brain mets can be sorted these days, 10 years ago, you would have had no options but now there is an abundance of treatments you can try. Then you will find the MAGIC one. I have my 8 year (Yes eight!) Cancerversary in May! My onc as well as everyone else, cant believe it! They just cant get rid of me at all!

    Got a call from Gp last night 5.45pm to say result of blood test done on Wednesday was Low Red Blood Cells. To get repeated next Tuesday after a 12 hour fast! The fun just never ends, the Nurse Pract that can get blood from me is off on leave next week! Help!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • PS.  We are not allowed to ride an electric assisted bike on the roads in Scotland. Is it allowed elsewhere?

    SiT  Sorry about your driving license, I can't drive just now because of dizzy spells.

    You could always get Norb off that step and buy him a chauffeur's hat!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Yes, yes, yes, very amusing musings at my expense. SiT told me i could pay him a nominal amount and I would be brought back to civilisation, did that happen, huh.

    I don't care, no one argues with me here, I am always right.

    I was going to say that I have promised my car to whomsoever keeps Mrs Norberrys bushes trimmed. ....Dosnt sound right for some reason!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Dear Annette (Matron...)

    Many thx for your kind words of encouragement - I have decided that positivity is the only way forward and although I am fully and properly pee'd off with the BM's, there was always a 50/50 chance/probability of their appearance so, no surprise - just an unwelcome addition to my little family of lumps & bumps (a bit like the One on the Naughty Step).

    8 years is a remarkable achievement and one that you should be immensely proud of - with regard to digging out veins - I am either straight in or it can take up to 7 or 8 attempts which is odd because I have quite large visible veins - the nurses say that they often get in then the vein just kinks off and won't let them in fully... Ho hum...


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    lol Norberry, no that doesn’t sound right at all and may get you an extended stay on the naughty step!!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Allow me to reassure you Maz - The NorbMeister is going NOWHERE!!!

    The Matron said so... Hahahaha!!!
