5 days in after

  • 21 replies
  • 46 subscribers

So I've had my first chemo on Wednesday. Mild headache on Thursday, which ramped up Friday. Had to put my head down in the afternoon. I've had the runs since Friday night but there is no let up. The drugs aren't doing anything to alleviating it. No temperature though. Eating is a challenge. Everything is tasteless and I have to psyche myself up to eat.

I've been avidly drinking 3-3.5litres of water, slathering moisturiser twice a day. I can't stand the smell of the unscented lotions. 

I've woken up, my kidneys feel bruised and I ache.

Having a pyjama day!

  • Hi Stella 

    I'm day9 after chemo and diarrhea hasn't stopped. My food intake is down to 1 dessert spoon of plain yoghurt with a little salt a day and that is because I have to take meds. I can't eat anything sweet. The lotions and cleanser are making constantly nauseous, so the thought of food is a non starter for most of the day.

    I'm not sure upping my dose from 70% is wise. On the plus side my sugar levels are down. Grin Temp & BP are ok, so no infection.

    I'm waiting for the assessment unit to call me in to do a check up. 

    Thanks for the advice though.

    Sledge x 

  • With bowel cancer chemotherapy they start 100% then goes down. It is quite different with yours. They will have to bring it down a bit more. It sounds awful. What do your oncologist suggest? 

  • Hi Stella

    Don't know yet. I guess we will discuss it at the review meeting before the next cycle. If we can figure out how to fix it then we may just stay with the current dose. There are a couple of factors, one they can fix and the other I am hoping I can fix.

    Thanks for the support though.

    Sledge x

  • Day 10

    So far the last two days I've been back & forth to the Emergency Assessment unit. I was severely dehydrated and I was my kidneys weren't functioning properly. So pumped with 3 bags of fluids yesterday and 2 more today. 

    If we can fix the diarrhoea I may be able to up the dose.

    I've fixed the issue with the lotion and cleanser so I can finally eat. Grin

    The team at the Unit have been great and worked with me to find solutions to the side effects.

    Feeling more positive for the next cycle.

  • Hi Sledge, Firstly I must apologise for the late reply but I have just seen this thread for the first time now.

    I do hope things will improve for you soon. It is great you can now at least eat and also you have a terrific team looking after you. Have a good weekend, I hope you can stay away from A& E and just enjoy it! Please keep us posted!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Lovely to hear your being well looked after and responded well, and hope they sort out your diarrhoea soon as well, 

    Eddie xx 

  • Good morning Sledge,  I am glad you are feeling a bit better.   How did you fix the issued with the lotions?  Hopefully the toilet issues can be fixed for you soon.

    Lee 2 x

  • Hi Lee

    I think I've slept most of today, hence the late response.

    The lotion issue. Someone on the BC forum here suggested I use Neal Yard's professional body & face lotion. Although pricey I gave it a go. I can still smell the content but it's very faint. I also Slight smileplaced the cleanser to Sanex Zero. As a result I have finally been able to eat and control the nausea. So happy days Slight smile 

    Sledge x

  • Hi Sledge,  I was wondering if you are still able to eat and your nausea is under control.  When is your next treatment?  Take care x

    Lee 2 x

  • Hi Lee

    Sorry I've been out of touch for the last ast few days. I'm back at work and it's a busy time of year. 

    The nausea is mostly under control. Neal's Yard cream worked for me, but the I'm still suffering from the runs. I've been taking codine which seems to help reduce the frequency, but hasn't completely resolved it. I don't think this is going away for the next 15 weeks as it is my way of reacting to the chemo. The only consequence I have to worry about is getting dehydrated.

    Next cycle is on Wednesday next week. I'll see the oncologist on Tues, so I am assuming that I will find out if they plan to increase the dose or not.

    Sledge x