Light bit of Entertainment.

  • 28 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi Every One.

I love my Music, and it plays All Day Every Day.

Lots of songs I love ,though if I could pick my favourite four, what would they be. 

So if you have , some time to spare, enlighten us, and if there is a reason  behind your choice.

Its a wet miserable day here.

  • LOL I Should have said a lot more, got you thinking though lol

    1. Stairway to heaven
    2. Dark side of the moon
    3. Hotel California
    4. Telegraph Road

    Can I have another four next week Ellie, so damn difficult!!

    Patrick xx

  • LOL wish I had said 50, every one would have been here all day.

    I found it hard as well

    So it might be like a carry on theme lol

    I  have had enough of hospitals, scans  bloods, lately, wanted and needed a bit of normality.

  • Yes, brilliant idea, next one starts March? 

    Anything that keeps us all distracted and busy is more than welcome. And we have a great playlist as well.

    Patrick xx

  • Hope others may  agree/

    Yes some times really do not want anything  to do with cancer 

     thats what I think, light entertainment.

  • Well Ellie I came up with bout 40, o picked four from them.

    Back to Black, Amy Winehouse,

    Careless Whisper, George Michael.

    Yesterday, T he Beatles.

    Days of our Lives, Queen.


  • Well a couple people have said hard to pick, they have a few.

    So if you wish post again next Thursday, with another  selection of your favourites, not all of them, will say 6, very interesting to see other peoples choice's.

    Hope people agree.

  • Hi Ellie, This is a great idea but 4 is difficult

    Wonderful World                         Louis Armstrong

    Think I’d better leave right now Will Young

    Hall of The Mountain King        Greig

    Somewhere My Love    Theme from Dr Zivago

    I have a varied taste as you see and also love quite a few of other people’s choices. Especially  Bridge Over Troubled Water and Yesterday.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I like that idea Ellie, different songs every week, like you say far too many to chose from.

    1. I beg your pardon ( I never promised you a rose garden) lynn Anderson. A song I have sung since my early childhood, and probably drives my hubby mad.

    2. never too much - Luther van dross. Mine and hubbys song ( well one of them)

    3. If - bread. The song my mum chose for her funeral. It took me years to listen to it without breaking down, now it brings me comfort.

    4. has to be the song of the week for me. What’s it all about Alfie - Cilla black. Mum loved Cilla and this would play a lot in our house, and this week we bought a new puppy to try and heal my broken heart from losing Bella. We have called him Alfie. 

    “Try to be a rainbow, in somebody else's cloud” ~ Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Eddie

    Other than The Beatles, the other three artist are all my all time favourite!. 

    George Michael my favourite is Jesus to a child Or Fast love, or long and winding road .Too many to choose. He is just the best with golden silky voice and perfect arrangement too.

    I also love Whitney Houston : I want to dance with someone. I love bodyguard film and all the songs in there.

    For cheering me up: I am still standing by Elton John. Hero by Mariah Carey