Light bit of Entertainment.

  • 28 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi Every One.

I love my Music, and it plays All Day Every Day.

Lots of songs I love ,though if I could pick my favourite four, what would they be. 

So if you have , some time to spare, enlighten us, and if there is a reason  behind your choice.

Its a wet miserable day here.

  • Oooh Ellie, as a fellow music fan, how is it possible to pick only four songs, I have songs I love just because their great songs, songs that remind me of happy/sad times and songs I love to sing along to, I will try though my friend, anyway Ellie, not talked much lately, as I've not been on the forum much, how are things with you and your family, some good news for my family but not so much for me, but their health is more important to me and will just pull up my big boy pants and move on, onwards and upwards.

    Eddie xx

  • I could put down  24 same reason, though 4 , i have got mine   sorted, was hard. 

    later shower time here.

  • Might take a couple of days Ellie, but I will come up with four.

    Eddie xx

  • Morning Ellie and Eddiel not posted for a little while due to not feeling great. I think it will be extremely difficult to choose songs as I love music. I have actually been doing some little jobs in my garden which has cheered me up, still lots to do but it’s satisfying even doing my little 15 minute stints, it’s bright and sunny but chilly here and I am going to walk over to see my daughter and grandchildren soon. How are you both doing. I hope this message finds you well. My nephew is coming tomorrow to take me out for lunch so something to look forward too. Enjoy your day and stay positive. I will check in tomorrow. Take care xx

    Sharon xx

  • 1. Save the Last Dance for Me. Everly Brothers.

    2. Some Where Over the Rainbow. Eva Cassidy.

    3. The Show must Go On Queen.

    4.You  Never Walk Alone. Gerry and Pacemakers/Stand by Me. Ben E King

    • Could not make the choice on no 4.
  • Good afternoon, just like you all I love music very much and am glad that Alexa was invented. 

    1) Tears don’t care who cries them by K.D. Lang

    2) If I can dream / You never walk alone  by Elvis Presley  (it’s a draw)

    3) The Drinking Song from La Traviata by Verdi, various artists 

    4) May the Road rise to meet you by Nathan Carter

    love Angie and Lilly xx

  • Hi Sharon, It's lovely to see you posting again, and I'm with you, how can you pick only 4 songs, ooh I love gardening too, but still too cold for me, luckily I have family to help. What do you like to grow Sharon, I like my fruit and veg along with a few Bee friendly flowers, I'm staying with my eldest daughter for a few days as I've just been discharged from hospital, but feel ok, and isn't time with family so important, I'm glad your enjoying yours today and have a lovely day tomorrow.

    Eddie xx

  • This thread was asking about music, not starting a different conservation, sorry to say

  • Hi I like all sorts of music from pop country jazz ( not improvised ) classical sacred etc . so am struggling on picking mine these come to mind 

    Karen carpenter singing  Yesterday once more … that voice was beautiful 

    the pearl fishers duet by Bizet

    Stars Simply Red ( just love that hair ) 

     Bridge over troubled waters Simon and Garfunkel.

    so many to choose from now it’s all at your finger tips don’t even have to load a cd . 

    well back to the music x Chris 

  • Hello, I love the Pearl Fishers Duet and Bridge over troubled water too. It really is hard to pick just 4 x Ellie had certainly given us a hard nut to crack Grinning xx

    love Angie and Lilly xx