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  • 42 subscribers

Hello.I haven't been here for a while as everything has been topsy turvy with various things going on.

I started chemo back in August. I am on caelix. Having read about it and the side effects was a bit worried.

So far had three treatments. The side effects kicked in on the second.I have a very sore mouth for which I have been given various potions to ease the discomfort caused by ulcers and problems swallowing food. Living on soft foods at present. Lots of soups. My hands and feet are sore so I expect this is the foot and mouth thingie.

Well as long as the caelix is working these things can be managed. They become a new normal I guess.

As I live alone it's easy to get low and have struggled with this but thankfully have my railway vol work to keep me going .Steam locomotiveSteam locomotive. Swanage is a lovely place to live . The sea the beach and nature all around. But I don't get out and about as much as I should really. It's a lack of motivation sometimes. Anxiety too. My mental health is rubbish just now which doesn't help with the motivation.

Hope you are all as well as you can be.

  • Hi Oak2, it's nice to hear from you again, sorry to hear about your side effects from chemo, though glad to hear it's working and your managing them. I have heard from friends that sucking on ice cubes or frozen pineapple during chemo can help, but ask the nurses first 

    I live in Yorkshire, but have family in Dorset, Puddletown, who I try to visit as often as I can, but it doesn't get any easier, and we've been to Swanage once or twice,  a beautiful place,  your work,  is it for the Swanage railway, isn't that fab, Sorry to hear you struggle with motivation, which affects many of us, there are online therapy sessions that may help. II hope others will be along with experience of caelix, who may have some advice to help. My best wishes with your treatment, take care. 

    Eddie xx 

  • Hi Oak2 A warm welcome to this Group. Coming here means you have people to chat to, not necessarily about cancer but just about every day struggles that lots of us have.

    Chemo doesn't work for my type of cancer so I'm sorry I don't know anything about Caelix or its side effects. As Eddie has said, I hope someone with experience will reply to you soon. With it being the weekend, people tend to be a bit busier but usually you will find someone here to talk to!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you for reply Eddie. Yes Im a volunteer in Swanage railway shop. It's a great railway . Everyone is friendly and we have a laugh which makes going there a treat. We're getting ready for the Polar Express visit in November.The shop is bristling with Christmas gifts ready for our eager customers.

    I can see you have had a tough time . But you keep your positivity. We have to really don't we.

    Have various appointments this week a t Poole hospital so that will keep me occupied. It's a lovely trip on the bus to Poole, going through Studland then over the ferry. I used to do a lot of walking around and about but can't do much these days. So the bus lets me get around and lifts my spirits.

    Keep as well as can be xx

    his week so

  • Hi anndanv.  Yes it does help coming here. People are very supportive. It all gets a bit much doesn't it?

    Still there are good days amongst not so good ones. All the best.

  • Hi  Oak2, your welcome, I have an aunt who lives in Puddletown, who we hope to visit before Christmas, but other things may get in the way, you understand I'm sure, though if we get down, the polar express sounds well worth a look 

    Couldn't agree more, we have to be positive and a sense of humour helps as well and being with others is so important too, your volunteering job sounds fab and a giggle too, I volunteer at my hospice, and we do have a laugh as well, but it's so rewarding to give a few hours a week to help others.

    I've been lucky to have been able to get away for a few days, but home today, as like you the appointments keep on coming.

    Sorry to hear your not not as fit as you were, I  think cancer hits us all like that, my long walks are also a thing of the past, but we're still here, and as you say, we have to focus on the positives, best wishes 

    love Eddie xx