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Lovely morning chit-chat thread October 2024

  • 316 replies
  • 48 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Morning  , hoping and praying Pray  you, for good news, I'm thinking about you my friend big hugs 

    love Eddie xx 

  • Hi Guy's thanks for the good wishes much appreciated.

  • Just back from the hospital, had a bone density scan to see how much damage this hormone treatment has done since my last bone scan 3 years ago. The hospital was hectic! No where to park, crowds of people huddled around the main door……smoking! Right under the smoke free zone sign. Sorry to anyone who does smoke and may be offended, but for non smokers having to walk through you all to get into the hospital, it’s not nice. Rant over. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Chelle your absolute right these selfish people should be refused treatment if smoke on hospital property, at my hospital they also drink alcohol, disgusting.

    Car parking is unreal, when I go to chemo I book a Macmillan slot, they have 4 parking spots, when I went on Thursday my spot had been taken, Macmillan told me 3 people had parked illegally, but were going to be towed away, big fine.

  • Evening Ulls, do they charge you for car parking at the hospital where you are ? That is shocking behaviour. We don’t get charged for parking either at Elgin or Aberdeen Hospital. All our hospital grounds are smoke free now. Even the car parks. No need to smoke at a hospital, surely they can go a few metres away if they need to puff xx I used to smoke myself but would never have dreamed of lightning up at an entrance to any venue or medical facilities. Selfish, selfish people

    love Alana and Lilly xx

  • HI Chelle, I'm at hospital now and I can see from my window 7 people in PJs, obviously patients all puffing away.

    Eddie xx

  • At my hospital they have made it a smoke free zone, taken away the smoking shelters and have no smoking signs up everywhere. People are just ignoring the signs, and now there is no designated area are just smoking anywhere they want. And yes some of these were patients in wheelchairs and in nightwear. 

    I hope you are ok  


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Morning Chelle, I'm good thank you, just a minor Op, have it in about a hour, the whole hospital and grounds are smoking free, all the smokers go to the public footpath which connects all the access roads and often there are up to 50 people smoking so take up a long stretch of path, doubt I could walk past them all unscathed, and don't wish to find out either.

    Eddie xx

    1. I live next door to a hospital and they are all smoking outside side like its a smoking shelter 


  • Hi Chelle, just carch up with threads, as had problems with WiFi.  I thought it was just our hospital like that but it seems I am wrong, it's annoying  and personal gets on my nerves. When I worked there  the staff  got told off if they did, but the patients are always there. xx
