message to eddiel and andanv - bereavement

  • 3 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hello both

I wanted to say thank you for checking up on me over the months.  The last few weeks have been awful and sadly my sister Valerie died on the 15th September.  Her bowel cancer had spread incredibly aggressively and was in her lymph nodes, liver and lungs.  She never had time to get to a hospice and died very quickly but mercifully peacefully in hospital. Am now in the middle of arranging he funeral which will be on the 7th October.  My blood cancer makes me tired at the best of times and somehow I have managed to keep going but feel incredibly fatigued and nauseous with it.  The fact she lived at least two hours away from where I and my brother live doesn't help.  But I wanted to let you know and thank you for your kindness.  I hope you are both managing as best you can with your own conditions. xxx

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    I'm soo sorry to read your sad news.  Thinking of your family.  

  • Hi Skaro I am so sorry to hear the news about your sister dying. It must be so very difficult for you having to arrange the funeral, I hope your brother can help with that. The fatigue is terrible but it is amazing how we can rally when we need to, just to get things done. I don’t know where we find the strength, but we just do.

    Please remember to take some rest whenever you can. In my opinion, it is a blessing in disguise your sister died quickly and peacefully, even although she didn’t make it to the hospice. Take care

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • hi Suzy, my apologies for the late reply, Suzy I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your sister Valerie, I appreciate you telling us, and your thanks, but being kind to my friends is it's own reward, It is a comfort to hear your sisters passing was peaceful, but I know from experience, the loss of a sibling is heart breaking for you, and all her loved ones, and well done with keeping going, despite everything, it shows what a strong and loving lady you are. Suzy I have happily accepted your friends request, and if I can help in any way, please ask, best wishes to you and your family.

    love Eddie and Sheila xx