Lovely morning Chit-Chat thread - September 2024

  • 359 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Hi Puddock, that sees quick to me I have been looking for a damp proofer for nearly two years good luck with yours will you be re-decorating all the room or just a bit of a touch up.

    Sheila's with family today and I'm off to seaside with friends I met through cancer, we meet up every week  but not usually at the coast.

    Eddie xx

  • God Morning Everyone.

    Well it has been raining, about time, just to freshen things up.

    Good start, i have a tv small one on the wall in kitchen, yes that has decided to break, thank you.

    Never mind will stop me siting for to long.

    Have a few things to do.

    Hope you all have a pleasant day, with what ever.

  • Ah! So you are back from Tromso then? Hope your journey back was uneventful.

    I'll be having to do some decorating, but hopefully not too much!

    Enjoy your day at the coast....looks promising for the weather.

  • Good morning all, I'm up had breakfast , done some exercises,  god I need a rest lol, just going to have coffee. Busy week, treatment yesterday, went OK, diabetic Eye screening  tomorrow,  visitors on Thursday, bloods again on Friday. Today is my only day off, and I'm not working,  well I'll fit the charity shop in some how, so lunch time today, so not a day off. Anyway overcast today. Hope you all have a good day. XX

  • Time flies when you are having fun lol, i have a week like that next week.

    I am on coffee break, just washed two floors, got to be bed time.

    Might clean a window and might not, who knows, not even me lol.

    Enjoy your day if you can.

  • I'm happy! The hole in my ceiling is being re-plastered as I write this! At long last.....

    So I'm occupying myself in the kitchen to keep out of his way. Vegetable soup made and simmering away on the hob. I love making soup!!

    Think I'll be washing floors too Ellie, after the plastering is done.

  • Time does go quicker when you day is busy, home or outside. Well will have a shower and get ready for the shop, trouses and comfy shoes., best put a top on as well ha ha. Chat later. Xx


  • I think you might have to, mine needed it, so dry here until this morning and c comes in on my  feet lol, i do not wear any thing on them, own fault.

    Yes home made soup is lovely, not made some for a little while, when there was two of us, was worth it now just  i have to think twice.

    Be nice when the ceiling is done 

  • You could just spray a smelly on, i had showed this morning, should not have bothered.

    Think a top is advisable, unless you want to be dragged away by two young policemen, no what i would do lol lol

  • I always make a large pan full, then freeze some in ice cream tubs. They will fit back into a pan easily when I want to re-heat them. It means I have to eat ice cream regularly, to have some empty tubs!

    Is your new freezer full yet??