Random question

  • 4 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi hope this finds you all ok . I have a question that seems trivial compared to what gets posted on here but I have lost most of my hair leaving only long wisps . I haven’t felt could shave it all off . Has anyone not had their head shaved and how did it look when it was growing back ? I suppose I’m asking should I get my head shaved ?  I have found losing my hair almost as distressing as the cancer. I have finished my treatment and fingers crossed my hair will start to grow soon . . Chris x 

  • Hi I know exactly how you feel it's hard enough what's going on with your body when you have cancer but it's inside so no one knows but when your hair is falling out eyelashes eyebrows everyone can see that you have cancer it's devastating it was for me and you just think twice about going anywhere because you think everyone is staring at you that's how I felt and you get so depressed I had the cold cap so painful I can't tell you but I battled with it and manage to keep most off my hair as it's long it was the top off my head that was the worst my best friend made me these amazing really long scarves which made me feel better I also wore wigs sometimes most off my hair did grow back apart from a couple off patches but I can cover them up brushing the hair different way so it's not so visable with you finishing treatment your hair will be growing back but it takes time be really careful when you wash it and try not to wash your hair often this helps too sorry it's a bit off a waffle hope it helps sending you love and hugs xxx

  • You didn’t waffle it was good of you to share and I wish you well Thankyou x Chris 

  • Hi Chris. (Hilo13),   First I would like to welcome you to this Group because I don't think we have chatted before. I didn't have chemo but was on a Trial Drug and when my hair started thinning, I was devastated. I had only told family and close friends about my diagnosis but because of my hair I felt it was advertising 'I have cancer' which sounds daft but it is the way I felt at the time. So it is not a trivial thing at all, even if it was, this is still the place to ask questions!

    I got a wig but because all of my hair didn't come out, the wig felt as if it was slipping and it made me feel like (if you remember) the Hamlet Cigar advert, with the man who had a combover everyone knew about!! LOL!! I didn't feel it was me and I also found it very hot, like wearing a woollen hat all the time. I asked a Specialist Hairdresser at the Maggie Centre for advice and she actually gave me some lovely scarves to wear. She also suggested i get my hair cut short and try a shampoo like W or Plantar39 that promote growth. I still use them now. They are cheaper to buy from the internet.

    My hair has grown again but is very fine. I still keep it short as lots of people have short hair. I also have a few bald bits that like you I can cover by changing the way it is brushed! Good luck and please let me know how you get on!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thankyou for your reply I haven’t been sure what to use on my head so will certainly look at your suggestions. I have read about shampoo with rosemary extract but the plantur shampoo is one I’ve definitely seen .I presuming from your reply that you didn’t shave off your hair and it was ok ? I’m really hoping that I will live long enough to have hair that  is visible I  have short hair anyway .. well I did ..  good luck and I am sending you best wishes to stay as well as you can . X Chris