Possibility of highlights at hairdresser's

  • 8 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hello all

Hope everyone can have a good day today

I'd like to ask if anyone has experience or advice on having my hair done? I am on maintenance immunotherapy every two weeks and have been for nearly two years now. After initially losing my hair by Christmas 2022 it has now grown back a little. Its very short and dark and curly not at all like before ! My daughter is getting married in November and I'd love to have some highlights done. Everything I've read suggests to wait until treatment has finished but that's not applicable in my case. I was going to ask my oncologist but I had a very unsatisfactory call with him yesterday. He was supposed to give me results of latest scan but hadn't got them. When I tried to discuss some other concerns he said well the scan would shed more light on what's happening so I'll get the secretaries to arrange another appointment soon!

Sorry for the rant but was such a disappointing day yesterday.

Thanks for reading


  • Hi Caroline

    I had a similar dilemma when I wanted my hair highlighting! If you have a support nurse, it might be worth contacting her (presuming it is a her!) and asking. My oncologist couldn't answer my question either.

    I went ahead and had my hair highlighted anyway, with no problems.

    Maybe you could ask a nurse in the 'Ask an Expert' section on here. 

    Whatever you decide, I hope you enjoy your daughter's wedding and I'm sure you'll look fab!


  • Thank you Kate for your quick reply I'll try your options, just nice to have your thoughts.


  • Different background and not cancer but *that* happened to us when we went to see my son's consultant.

    Consultant: "I haven't got the ECG yet, have you had the appointment?".  

    Us:  "errrr, no?"

    It's so frustrating.  You build yourself up for answers and to move-on and it all falls flat.  More than that though, it's the  -"why are we even here?"  Check you've got the information required before you arrange an appt!   I believe in our case, they hadn't even requested the diagnostics appts grrrr

    I've seen someone else ask that question on here about hair.  I'll see if I can find it.  

  • A good hairdresser is likely to have seen it all before and will be the best judge of what your hair is likely to be able to tolerate. Assuming you are not having chemo with the immunotherapy, it’s probably a question of how damaged your hair is. Not sure a male oncologist is likely to be of much help! I hope the wedding goes well. 

  • I have been on immuno therapy and had my hair done all the time. Not with chemo but. So go ahead and enjoy the day.

  • Thanks I have talked to my hairdresser and she seemed positive - agree didn't think my male oncologist would be very interested!


  • Thank you will do