Leaving videos for the kids

  • 6 replies
  • 45 subscribers


I have two young children. 5 and 7 and wish to leave videos of me behind for them so they have something to remember me by.

Just wondering whats the best way to do it? One drive maybe or google drive

Anyone attempted to do this? 

Thank you 


  • Hi i am sorry you have had to come here, though you are very welcome.

    I really do not have the answer your looking for, though i am sure another member, will know.

    If not e mail the community team or phone McMillian, i am sure thy could point you, in the right direction.

    Please use the group, i hope you get the answer to your question.

  • Hello Eddieo and a warm welcome from me, I have noticed you posting on other forums offering advice to others, Eddie, great name, Like my friend Ellie 73 I am not able to offer advice but I have a friend who is, sorry I'm quoting him here, If you want the free option google gives 3X more at 15gb and if you use storage saver you should get between 60 and 75 minutes of footage, and google drives search function is much better than one drive, he said for about £5 a month you should get 10x more storage, PS I think it's a wonderful idea what your doing and I think I will try to do it as well, best wishes


  • Hi Eddieo and a warm welcome.

    i had decided after diagnosis that I would leave something for our adult children. Our son was getting married at the end of that month and our daughter was already married and had one child, a girl.

    What I decided to do was do a file on my computer of each of them, from birth to the present day. I started with our wedding day, then the birth of our son, followed by the birth of our daughter and found photographs of them and saved them onto a hard drive. Then when I had them both up to date, I started making a PowerPoint Presentation with each one. The photographs were memories of our holidays when they were young plus each of their birthdays.

    I went on a Trial Drug that worked for me, so I am still here 10 years on and now have 3 beautiful grandchildren. I stopped doing the PP Presentation because I was too busy living my life with our family and making new memories. As the others have said regarding a video, I would hardly know where to start and I think for me, it would be a very difficult thing to do! I know others made memory books etc. good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi

    You could put them on your laptop, but then one laptop,two children and you need to share the logon details with them both, or someone.  

    Onedrive would mean they could access it without your laptop, but they would need your logon details and the location. 

    You could use a dropbox - then share it with their email address at the appropriate time. .  Or Flickr.

    You could buy 2x portable USB drives and put them on that, hand over the USB stick.  There's no logon details required to access the USB.  

    I feel for your children. :-(

  • Hello Mmum

    I'm a real technophobe, and struggle with computers etc. 

    I'm just wondering if going 'primitive' might be the way to go with this. Any technology is going to become outdated, so my thinking is ...

    keep it simple. Put some words, messages, photos etc in a book. This will always be a physical object that the children can keep.

    I've seen several companies advertising on TV that you can send stuff to.

    I'm only suggesting this because I've had 'mementoes' in the past on various types of tech, and I now can't access them.

    Wish I had your knowledge and expertise Mmum! What a gift!

    Dinosaur Kate

  • Hi Mmum, Yes the idea of 2 portable USB drives is good. When I started doing mine, I used a hard drive and just put 3 separate files with my husband and two children's names on them but putting them on portable USB's would mean they each had their own and could use them anywhere!

    Eddieo have you decided what you will do yet?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!