Nothing Really, Though is To MeSiting here

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  • 44 subscribers

Siting here like i some times do, thinking of people that have helped me to get threw, this journey.

I have been here a while,   i have met loads of people  on this forum you see, i am sorry to say, have lost a fair few to, that is so hard, when they have become friends, though we all stayed with them right until the end.

Think my thoughts on that, have sprung  to mind, because this month, a special person, to me, had to say goodbye.

Think of them often and was an honour that our paths crossed.

So we go  forward, with in this group, we hold out a hand, when some one, may start to fall, we gently reach out, and hopefully, they do not hit the ground.

I know loads of people here, and have a few special friends, who i have known for a few years , though we have never met, as spread far and wide, though you know, they are always right by your side.

If  it was not having cancer, our paths would have never crossed.

So you will surprise yourself, as your journey goes on, because, we will  encourage you to stay strong.

So thanks to you all, for being there, for every one, that crosses your path, it only takes a few minuets to hold out your hand, and that would be the, some thing, to keep them strong.

  • FormerMember


    Great poem as always. Sums up the strength of the group.

    A x

  • Beautiful Ellie!

    You really have a way with using words that really gets to the heart of the matter.

    Bless you!


  • Hi Ellie and Everyone here, I would just like you to know Ellie that you are one of the Special Ones who keep everyone else going. Yes we have lost quite a few friends along the way but as you say, they were supported to the end because that's what this group does. A friend in need is a friend indeed, you are that friend to many!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Ellie that was amazing, as you are too, you are our shining light who guides us out of the dark places we sometimes find ourselves, thank you my friend.

    love Eddie xx

  • Special words from a special lady x 

    “Try to be a rainbow, in somebody else's cloud” ~ Maya Angelou

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